Pokemon Quick Navigation Links: Character Breakdown: Pokemon The Pokemon Workout The Skills of Pokemon The Elements of Pokemon Name: Pokemon(yes, all of them) Games: Holy crap, what Nintendo games HAVEN’T they been in? Also a bunch of TV shows/movies. Skills/Attributes: Elementally Aligned Combative Enthusiastic Loyal Powerful Adaptable Summary: So this is a new one! We […]
Category Archives: Character Spotlight
Character Spotlights!
Ryu Quick Navigation Links: Character Breakdown: Ryu The Ryu Workout The Skills of Ryu The Spirit of Ryu Name: Ryu Game(s): The Street Fighter Series, various offshoots and crossovers, cameos. Skills/Attributes: Expert Fighter Strong Character Sense of Moral Duty Humble Competitive Fearless Loyal Summary: Firstly, don’t forget about our new, ongoing quest, The Call of […]
Sonic Quick Navigation Links: Character Breakdown: Sonic the Hedgehog The Sonic Workout The Skills of Sonic The Optimism of Sonic Name: Sonic the Hedgehog Games: Sonic the Hedgehog Series, various cameos. Skills/Attributes: Fast Really, really fast Able to curl into a spikey ball of doom Good jumping/platforming Cocky Positive Relentless Summary: Sonic the Hedgehog is […]