Ike Quicknav Links: Character Spotlight: Ike The Ike Workout Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! Name: Ike Game(s): The Fire Emblem series, Super Smash Bros. Skills/Attributes: Brave Humble Skilled swordsman Mercenary Talented commander Overview: Ike hails from the Fire Emblem series, with a few cameos in the Super Smash Bros. series as well. […]
Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! (Warning: Stronger than usual language ahead) So, last week’s post seemed a bit critical for me upon a reread. I got vocal responses from both sides of the issue, and I really do value the somewhat controversial conversations we get to have sometimes. If I offended or […]
Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome! Dan “DaRatmastah” Wallace