Galen Marek Quick Nav Links: Character Spotlight: Galek Marek The Galen Marek Workout Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! Galen is not particularly bulky, but he also wouldn’t be called slim, either. He sits right in the middle of the body type spectrum, lean yet well-muscled, without much excess body fat to […]
Galen Marek Quick Nav Links: Character Spotlight: Galek Marek The Galen Marek Workout Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! Name: Galen Marek AKA Starkiller Game(s): The Force Unleashed 1 and 2 Skills/Attributes: Incredibly powerful connection to the Force. Conflicted. Driven. Skilled lightsaber combatant. Overview: Galen is a conflicted, powerful character. Unfortunately, […]
Discuss this post: On the forums! On Reddit! Woohoo! Super reader day! So, as you are aware, the people who read this blog are, in general, pretty damn awesome. Heck, YOU’RE reading it right now, which pretty much proves it. Now, it’s pretty common for awesome people to do awesome things, and two readers in […]