Game(s): Metal Gear Solid 3 (and other appearances)
Archetype: Fighter
Class: Weapons Master
- Expert close quarters combat specialist.
- Peak human agility.
- Peak human strength.
- Experienced special ops soldier.
- Skilled leader.
Before Solid Snake was Solid Snake, or Big Boss was even Big Boss, there was THE Boss. The founder of the Cobra Unit, and one of the most skilled special forces agents the world has ever seen. Her skills in close quarters combat, combat tactics, special forces maneuvers, and covert ops are second to none. On top of all this, her physical conditioning is at the absolute peak of natural human potential. Suffice it to say, The Boss is a Badass.
For her workout, we’re going to look at a combination of free weight and bodyweight style exercises, to focus on building a strong, lean frame capable of adapting to any mission or combat situation. We want to keep in mind, as well, that she is first and foremost a hand-to-hand and close quarters weapons specialist, and we need a capable physique that will accommodate that. Let’s get into the workout!
General Nutrition Info:
Lose Weight, Burn Fat:
Build Muscle, Bulk Up:
Before and After Workout Programs:
Let’s do this.
Note: This workout is designed to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.
Equipment Required:
Workout A:
5×5 Back Squats
3×12 Bulgarian Split Squats
4×8 Romanian Deadlifts
3×5 Box Jumps
Workout B:
5×5 Bench Press
4×8 Dumbbell Overhead Press
3×12 Dumbbell Incline Press
4×25 Incline Push Ups
3×12 Hanging Knee Raises/Leg Raises/Toes-To-Bar
Workout C:
5×5 Deadlifts
4×8 Bent-Over Rows
3×12 Pull Ups (increase reps once these get easy)
3×12 One Arm Dumbbell Rows
3×20-60 second Planks
Strength Workout Notes:
We use a combination of weighted and bodyweight exercises to develop an ideal physique for the boss, here. Our goal isn’t to get super bulky, but to develop enough strength and mass to knock out the biggest foe with a well-placed knee or elbow. We also want to remain agile, which starts with some bodyweight exercises (push ups, pull ups, box jumps, planks, and hanging leg raises) and is further supported by our cardio workout. For the bodyweight exercises here, feel free to start with kneeling push ups and chair or band assisted pull ups if the full exercise is too much for you at first.
Equipment Required:
Cardio A:
1:00 Minute Jump Rope
3:00 Minutes Heavy Bag Drills
20 Speeds Skaters (10 each side)
Repeat 3-5 times
Cardio B:
30-45 minute Walk/Jog
Cardio Notes:
Our cardio routine is primarily about anaerobic combat conditioning, however we’ll be performing Cardio B once a week to make sure we build up our aerobic capacity as well (a bigger “gas tank,” if you will.) On Cardio A, you control the intensity of the workout by how hard you go during your heavy bag drills, and how many times you do the circuit. If you’re already up to 5 circuits, increase the intensity of your bag drills and the speed of your jumping rope to ramp up the difficulty. For Cardio B, the most important thing is to stay in constant motion at as steady of a pace that you can manage, even if that’s just a leisurely walk.
Schedule Notes:
Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Cardio A
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Cardio B
Day 5: Strength C
Day 6: Cardio A
Day 7: Rest
Schedule Notes:
You only get one rest day per week, so this schedule can be pretty intense for novices. If you’re just starting out, you might want to take a rest on day 4, and do cardio B on day 6 (so you only do each cardio workout once per week.)
That’s it for The Boss workout! Sorry for the break in postings, been dealing with some real-life stuff. Not super pleasant, but all good now! Regular postings should resume starting today.
Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

Hello! Is the strength workout Station or Circuit based?