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Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Archetype: Fighter
Class: Weapons Master
Yes, the double “the” in the title is bothering me but I’m using her full title because it’s so badass, dammit. SO! Aela the Huntress hails from Skyrim, as a core member of the Companions guild. With a predilection for lycanthropy, hunting, fighting, and general badassery, Aela is a natural choice to feature here on the blog. She’s a skilled archer, yes, but she also has serious hand-to-hand and blade combat skills. That places her in the Fighter archetype, specifically the Weapons Master class!
For Aela’s workout, we’re going to focus on building endurance for pursuing prey, as well as solid upper body and core strength for drawing powerful bows, and delivering savage blows. We’re going to go with a combination of dumbbell and bodyweight exercises to accomplish this, with a solid cardio program to back it up. Before we start, here’s our usual compliment of supporting nutritional articles:
General Nutrition Info:
Lose Weight, Burn Fat:
Build Muscle, Bulk Up:
Before and After Workout Programs:
Alright. Time to hunt.
Note: This workout is designed to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.
Equipment Required:
Style: Station – Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.
Workout A:
5×5 Goblet Squats
3×10 Dumbbell Walking Lunges
3×10 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
3×10 Box Jumps
3×10 Hanging Knee Raises/Leg Raises/Toes-To-Bar
Workout B:
5×5 Dumbbell Bench Press
3×10 Dumbbell Overhead Press
3×10 Push Ups (kneeling if necessary)
3×10 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
3×20 foot Waiter Walks
Workout C:
5×5 Pull Ups (start with chair assisted if you need to, hold a dumbbell between your knees when 5×5 gets easy)
3×10 Dumbbell One Armed Rows
3×10 Chin Ups (start with chair assisted if you need to, and just keep adding reps when 3×10 gets easy)
3×10 Dumbbell Rear Delt Rows
3×30-60 second Planks (you can also do side oblique planks on these)
Strength Notes:
The idea here is to get strong, yes, but also build lots of muscular endurance. If you’re rowing a 70 lbs dumbbell 30 times in a workout, along with 25 pull ups and 30 chin ups, drawing a bowstring a few times is going to be easy peasy. We do have a core “strength builder” set at the start of each workout to build that foundational strength, but the higher rep counts of the subsequent exercises is going to lean more towards the muscular staying power end of the spectrum. We also do core exercises every workout in different ways to work that static and dynamic bracing for combat.
Cardio A:
30-60 minute Walk/Jog (easy pace)
Cardio B:
20-30 minute Interval Run (one minute hard pace, three minute easy pace)
4×10 second Sprints (rest 10-20 seconds between sprints)
Cardio Notes:
This is a relatively straightforward cardio workout, designed to give you fast, unending movement capability across large distances. Humans are pursuit predators. Even with a bow and arrow, you still frequently need to run down your prey after wounding them. Workout A is designed to build your overall stamina, and increase the size of your “gas tank,” if you will. Cardio B is designed to increase your overall speed when running, while also increasing your anaerobic recovery and capacity for short bursts of great speed.
Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Cardio A
Day 5: Strength C
Day 6: Cardio B
Day 7: Rest
Schedule Notes:
We’re giving plenty of time for your legs to recover between strength A and your two cardio sets. Strength B and C are both upper body focused, so we can do them in between your cardio days without overtaxing your legs too much. Remember, your rest days are when your body builds your strength!
That’s it for the Aela workout. I hope you enjoyed it! I’ll see you again next time with a new character workout. Do you want to see that new character workout now?! All Patrons get access to new character workouts in advance! If you chip in even a dollar to support the blog on Patreon, you can get a TON of extra workouts, right away! Take a look at the bottom of the post to see what characters are currently in the “holding tank!”
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