The Jin Kazama Workout

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Game(s): Tekken Series

Archetype: Fighter

Class: Brawler


  • Master of hand to hand combat.
  • (Former) CEO of the Mishima corporation.
  • Posesses the Devil Gene.
  • Friggin’ jacked!


Jin is an incredibly powerful fighter, a potent combination of strength, speed, agility, and power.  Even barring his supernatural gifts, he’s still a force to be reckoned with.  In addition to his martial arts mastery, he also has an extremely well developed physique (and a hair style that refuses to change no matter how much hellfire or fist fights he goes through.)  I can’t help you much with the hair, but I can offer a program for the physique!

We’re going to be looking to build serious agility and explosive speed, but also enough muscle mass and strength to be a legitimate threat in any combat scenario.  With his Brawler class, Jin’s only one step away from finding himself in the Tank archetype, so our workout is going to reflect this a bit with a fair amount of free weights.  We also want to maintain athletic movement and bodily control, however, so look for plyometrics and bodyweight based exercises as well. Before we get into the workout, here’s our usual brace of supplemental articles on nutrition and body composition, as well as our warm up and cool down routines.  Check them out!

General Nutrition Info:

Lose Weight, Burn Fat:

Build Muscle, Bulk Up:

Before and After Workout Programs:

Let’s jump in!


Equipment Required:

Pull Up Bar

Style: Station – Perform all sets of an exercise, resting 1 minute between each set, before moving on to the next exercise.

Strength Workout A:

4×8 Dumbbell Squats SUPERSET
4×8 Dumbbell Shrugs (basically just do a shrug at the top of every squat)
4×8 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
3×12 Weighted Hip Raises (one legged, if necessary to increase difficulty)
3×12 Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts (one legged, if necessary to increase difficulty)
5×5 Box Jumps
3×12 Hanging Leg Raises

Strength Workout B:

4×8 Dumbbell Bench Press
4×8 Dumbbell One Arm Row
4×8 Dumbbell Overhead Press
4×8 Chin Ups (add weight with a dumbbell if necessary)
3×12 Incline Dumbbell Press
3×12 Dumbbell Bicep Curls
3×12 Russian Twists
3×20-60 second Planks

Strength Notes:

Upper and lower body dumbbell splits!  We’re going with higher rep frequency to help build mass and strength, because Jin has both in spades!  Also a fair amount of abdominal work to build that ridiculous six pack he’s rocking.  You should be attempting to increase your weight on every lift that you are able, whenever you are able, but not if it requires you to sacrifice more than a rep or two on your last set or two.  Prioritize increasing weight on the earlier exercises in your workout rather than the later exercises in your workout (so try to up the weight on your squats before you up the weight on your hip raises, but if you can only up the weight on your hip raises and can’t up the weight on your squats yet, that’s okay.)


Equipment Required:

Heavy Bag & Bag Gloves
Jump Rope

Cardio Workout A:

30-45 minute Walk/Run
4-8×20:10 Sprints (sprint for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat four to eight times)

Cardio Workout B:

3 minutes Heavy Bag Drills
20 Speed Skaters (as fast as you can)
20 Front-Back Line Jumps (as fast as you can)
1 minute Jump Rope
30 seconds Rest

Cardio Notes:

Fight conditioning!  Cardio workout A is just a general long walk/run.  Walk it if you have to, run it when you’re able, build yourself up to a continuous 45 minutes of running.  Then, finish off with four to eight sprints!  Start with four, build your way up to eight as you are able!  Cardio Workout B is a conditioning circuit specifically for fighters, starting with three continuous minutes of heavy bag work (shadow boxing is okay if you don’t have a heavy bag,) followed by some movement drills, and then a short rest!  We repeat this five times, and if you’re going all-out like you should be, you should be a gasping heaving mess when you’re done!


Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Cardio A
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength A
Day 6: Cardio B
Day 7: Rest

That’s it for the Jin Kazama workout!  Our next character is Nina Williams!  If you want to see the Nina Williams workout RIGHT NOW, it’s already live for all Patrons over on Patreon!

I’ll see you tonight at 7 on the Be a Game Character YouTube channel for our regular Tuesday night live hangout!

The Best Dan Wallace

2 thoughts on “The Jin Kazama Workout

  1. Jacob Watkins says:

    Just a quick question, so when doing the strength workout we do A one day then B the following day?

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