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As we mentioned in the last post, RPG Fitness, the giant volume we originally sold here in The Armory is no more! Instead, we’re now offering smaller, more affordable single-class training novels! Each one features a class story and background, nutrition guide, supplement guide, recovery guide, and class workout! Each guide gives you a complete program for self improvement, at a much more affordable price point than RPG Fitness ever was! Each program also still features the RPG Fitness leveling system, so you can build and advance your own personal Character Sheet workout log!
We’ve got three classes from the three respective archetypes live right now: The Assassin from the Rogue archetype, the Monk from the Fighter archetype, and the Juggernaut from the Tank archetype. Even if you already purchase RPG Fitness in the past, you may want to consider picking up the new volumes, as the workouts have been updated, some quite significantly. Luckily, they’re all also on sale for the month of January, so they’re an easy grab! Let’s take a little look on what’s inside, shall we?
The Assassin Program is primarily a bodyweight based workout. It prioritizes agility and speed, as well as an extremely high level of bodily control. Assassin’s are an ambush type class, able to climb any obstacle, infiltrate any fortress, and escape all capture. This program is designed to help you become the unstoppable shadow. Click here to grab it now, and become the Assassin!
The Monk Program is a bodyweight and weighted-vest style workout program that prioritizes explosive power and high agility, while building a lean but muscular physique. If you grew up idolizing anime martial arts masters who would drop their weighted clothes and become limit-breaking gods, then this is the program for you! You’ll gain excellent bodily control, while still building a high power-to-weight ratio by adding extra weight and plyometrics to the higher level routines. Grab The Monk Program now and surpass your highest limits!
The Juggernaut program focuses on turning you into an unstoppable force of nature. Prioritizing explosive power, relentless strength, and a large athletic build, this program will turn you into the superhero you idolized in your youth. With a large physique that’s lean enough to stay agile and strong enough to knock out a Brahma, the Juggernaut lifts heavy weights, performs athletic plyometric movements, and develops speed to chase down any foe. Grab The Juggernaut Program today and become the unstoppable force!
Those are our current three offerings! There’s going to be another nine classes on the way, they’ll be trickling out over the next month or two, but in the meantime, these three classes are on sale now in The Armory for the month of January! Check them out and grab one (or three) while the getting is good!
We’ll be back to regular blog posts next week. Until then, as always, remember to live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

The covers are GORGEOUS. I especially love the Monk cover. ?
Thanks! That’s all our resident artist, Alex’s work. If you want a sample of my artistic talents hop back a post and check out the RPG Fitness headstone 😉 XD The Monk is definitely a fan favorite right now, though. The Juggernaut is just a placeholder cover for the meantime, that one’s going to be pretty badass, too. =D