The Sub Zero Workout

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Archetype: Fighter

Class: Monk

Sub Zero is very similar to his in-game counterpart/adversary/(love interest?), Scorpion.  Their physique is similar enough, however in my opinion, Sub Zero is a little less bulky, but also a little faster.  As such, his workout is going to be a little more agility and bodyweight oriented, and less bodybuilding oriented.  Think like a really built Shaolin monk, or a bulkier Bruce Lee.  We’re going to need some equipment for this workout, but not a lot of it.  Some dumbbells, gymnastics rings and a pull up bar, primarily.  Let’s get into it!

General Nutrition Info:

Lose Weight, Burn Fat:

Build Muscle, Bulk Up:

Before and After Workout Programs:

Alright, let’s go!

Note: This workout is designed to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.  


Equipment Required:

Pull Up Bar


Gymnastics Rings (for dips)

Style: Station –  Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise.  Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Workout A:

4×8-12 Push Ups (start with kneeling if necessary)
4×8-12 Dumbbell Overhead Press
4×8-12 Dips
4×8-12 Pike or Handstand Push Ups
4×8-12 Dumbbell Incline Press
4×30-60 second Planks

Workout B:

4×8-12 Pull Ups (chair or band assisted, if necessary)
4×5-15 second Front Lever Holds (or Front Tuck Levers, if you’re not there yet)
4×8-12 Dumbbell One-Armed Rows
4×8-12 Chin Ups (chair or band assisted, if necessary)
4×8-12 Ring Rows
4×8-12 Hanging Knee Raises, Leg Raises, or Toes-to-Bar

Workout C:

4×8-12 Bodyweight or Pistol Squats (when you’re able)
4×8-12 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
4×8-12 One-Legged Hip Thrusts (two legged when you’re first starting out)
4×8-12 Tuck or Box Jumps
4×20 second Sprints
4×8-12 Lying Leg Raises or Dragon Flags (when you’re able)

Strength Notes:

For basically ALL of these exercises you can start adding weight to them when they get easy at the recommended sets/reps.  You can do that with a weighted vest or backpack for some of them (dips, push ups, planks), or even holding a dumbbell (the pull ups, hip thrusts, pistol squats.)  Similarly most of these exercises also have a “beginner level” to them (kneeling push ups, seated rows, chair-assisted pull ups, etc.)  The idea is to be able to start with minimal equipment and then ramp up the difficulty as you build your home gym.  The workout itself is a push/pull/legs split, allowing you to hit your whole body but not overtaxing yourself on any single day.  Also we incorporate a bunch of core work for that sweet Shaolin six pack.


30-60 minute Walk/Run (ramp up your time and speed as you get more fit)
4×10-20 Speed Skaters
4×10-20 second Sprints (rest 10-20 seconds between each sprint, build up your sprint time and decrease your rest time as you get more fit)
4×20-50 Calf Bounces (do more as you get more fit)

Cardio Notes:

Relatively simple cardio designed to increase your gas tank and build your agility.  Ramping up the difficulty as you get in better shape is pretty straightforward.  Run longer and faster, do more speed skaters, sprint longer, and do more calf bounces!  Skip the speed skaters, sprints, and calf bounces if you’re doing this the day after Strength Workout C.


Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Strength B
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength C
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest

Schedule Notes:

As mentioned above, you’re probably best off taking it easy on day 6 for your cardio, since day 5 should be really taxing your legs anyway.  Besides that, it’s a pretty straightforward schedule.  You hit all your body parts in a single week with this, building your strength and conditioning while allowing time for recovery.


That’s it for the Sub Zero workout!  I hope you enjoyed it!  As a friendly reminder, Patrons always get to see workouts first, so if you’d like to see what’s coming down the pike, go consider supporting the blog!  Even a dollar a month gets you early access!

Thanks for reading, I’ll see you next time!  Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

The Best Dan Wallace

The Sub Zero Workout

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