The Terry Bogard Workout

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Archetype: Fighter

Class: Brawler

Terry Bogard is the main protagonist from the Fatal Fury games, and has also appeared in basically every King of Fighters and SNK Vs. (X) game in existence.  He’s a powerful fighter, with a pretty badass physique.  We’re going to look at arm and shoulder development in particular because the dude has freaking pythons attached to his torso, and I’m pretty sure he’d be able to punch a Brahma bull unconscious.  We’re also going to go for overall athleticism and explosive forward and lateral movement because he is a fighter, and fighters gotta move!  This is going to be a bodyweight and dumbbell-centric workout, so you’re not going to need a full weight room, but you will need some equipment.

Before we jump into the workout, here’s our general gamut of supporting posts.  Remember, nutrition is key to developing a physique like Terry’s, don’t neglect it!

General Nutrition Info:

Lose Weight, Burn Fat:

Build Muscle, Bulk Up:

Before and After Workout Programs:

Note: This workout, like most, is designed to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.  To determine leveling/experience gain, base yourself off the “Brawler” requirements.

Equipment Needed:

Pull Up Bar




Style: Station –  Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise.  Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Workout A:

3×8-12 Goblet Squats
3×8-12 Bulgarian Split Squats
3×8-12 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
3×8-12 Dumbbell Lunges
3×8-12 Box Jumps
3×8-12 Hanging Knee Raises/Leg Raises/Toes-To-Bar

Workout B:

3×8-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
3×8-12 Dumbbell Seated Press
3×8-12 Dumbbell Flys
3×8-12 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
3×8-12 Dumbbell Lateral Raises SUPERSET WITH
3×8-12 Dumbbell Front Raises

Workout C:

3×8-12 Pull Ups (add weight when these are easy)
3×8-12 Dumbbell One-Armed Rows
3×8-12 Chin Ups (add weight when these are easy)
3×8-12 Dumbbell Bicep Curls
3×8-12 Rear Delt Rows
3×8-12 Hanging Knee Raises/Leg Raises/Toes-To-Bar

Strength Notes:

This is your basic push/pull/legs split, with an emphasis on tricep, bicep, and deltoid development to build those ridiculous arms and shoulders.  Our 8-12 rep range on all our exercises ensures both hypertrophy (to build mass) and muscular endurance (to fight longer.)  We hit the abs twice a week to give you that fighter’s core, with an awesome six pack to boot.  Terry doesn’t just fight well, he wants to look good, too.


30 minute Walk/Jog/Run
20 Speed Skaters
20 Jumping Jacks
20 second Sprint
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3-5 times.

Cardio Notes:

The walk/jog/run is you long steady-state cardio.  You should be working on gradually increasing your overall speed/distance traveled here, but you shouldn’t be breathing super hard at any point during this portion of the cardio.  Just get your pulse up and your breath going.  The circuit immediately afterwards is where you’re looking to really push yourself.  You should be performing those three exercises as fast and hard as you can.  When you’re just beginning, shoot for three circuits total.  Work your way up to five circuits.  Then, if you want to ramp up the difficulty even further, start decreasing your rest time.


Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Strength B
Day 3: Strength C
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Rest

Schedule Notes:

It’s a five day rotational schedule, meaning you go back to Day 1 after you’ve finished Day 5.  This allows you to hit your muscle groups twice in a seven day period, which is optimal for strength and mass gains.  You also get a full day of recovery for every four workout days, which is just as important as your work days are!

That’s it for Terry!  I’ll see you again on Monday with a new character!  Until then, as always, remember to live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

The Best Dan Wallace

2 thoughts on “The Terry Bogard Workout

  1. Cerik says:

    Any chance we get an Iori Yagami workout routine ? would really love to cosplay him in the future, so of course i would do a workout to look like him or his physique im guessing.

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