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Name: Guts (Gattsu)
Game(s): Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage
Archetype: Tank
Class: Warrior
- Master swordsman.
- Terrifyingly strong.
- Basically incapable of dying.
- Cannon arm.
- Berserker armor.
- Extreme determination and force of will.
- Reluctant leader.
- Susceptible to dark influences.
Guts is probably one of the most certifiably badass character in the anime and manga world. His tales are dark, gritty, bloody, and overshadowed by evil at every turn. They’re not your average happy-go-lucky Shounen Jump adventure. Guts’ heroism is tinged by his darkness, and despite his best efforts, evil things always come to pass for him and his crew. Nevertheless, he presses on into the darkness, cutting down anything in his path.
With his massive size and strength, Guts is an obvious pick for the Tank archetype. However, unlike the Paladin and Titan classes, he’s also quite agile and athletic. I considered the Juggernaut class, however I think with his ability to take as much damage as he can deal out, he’s truly a prime candidate to be a Warrior.
Let’s take a look at how we’re going to approach this iconic berserker!
The Guts Workout is going to kick your ass. Seriously. Because why shouldn’t it? We’re going to be using free weights to build that physique, with a focus on ridiculous strength and power. Our cardio portion is going to feature kettlebells and sledgehammers, for serious conditioning (and more strength building.) Something to remember about Guts is that not only is he stupid strong, he’s also able to just keep going, forever. While wielding an insane sword.
Become the Berserker is going to be all about how to become a one-man army of eternal destruction. Basically the medieval equivalent of Doomguy. Guts doesn’t have much in the way of appreciable skills outside of combat, but he has those in spades. There’s also a lot to be said about training yourself in determination, because yes, that is a skill you can develop!
Heart in Darkness is going to be our breakdown of Guts’ mindset and psychology. Guts isn’t your average squeaky clean protagonist. He’s done some bad things and some good things, and in all his actions he tends to be somewhat selfishly motivated. At the same time, he’s assembled and taken under his wing quite a few wayward souls on his quest against the demon horde, and his work defending them could be considered commendable. He’s a big strong guy who’s usually just doing the best he can in an ugly world, and I think there’s a lot to be learned, there.
So that’s it! I know everyone is super fired up that we’ve finally gotten to Guts, and believe me, I am too! The Guts Workout goes live tomorrow, but if you want to view it right now, it’s already live on Patreon for all Patrons to view! Supporting the blog for only $1 per month can get you access to ALL blog posts a day before they are written, plus it’s a great way to help me keep doing the things I do around here!
Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

Oh, I can’t wait to see this one!