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Black Widow is described as being in peak human condition, much like Captain America or Batman (year I know, we’re crossing universes, here.) This makes sense since she underwent extensive training as a KGB agent, and also got a dosage of the Soviet equivalent of Cap’s super soldier serum. To emulate this “peak human fitness” while also maintaining the slim, agile build she’s known for, we’re going to do a bodyweight-based workout, with an emphasis on core strength and muscular control. Our cardio routine is going to be designed to optimize you for combat, with an emphasis on both stamina and anaerobic recovery.
Now, of course, we know that workouts are only part of the equation, here. Getting the fitness and body shape you want is also very dependent upon diet and lifestyle choices. As such, we have our usual bevy of links for nutrition info below, as well as our warm up and cool down videos that you should be following before and after every workout.
General Nutrition Info:
Lose Weight, Burn Fat:
Build Muscle, Bulk Up:
Before and After Workout Programs:
Note: This workout, like most, is split up into four levels to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.
Equipment Needed:
Style: Station – Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.
Level 1 (Beginner):
5×5-10 Bodyweight Squats
5×5-10 Kneeling Push Ups
5×5-10 Chair-Assisted Pull Ups
5×5-10 Lying Leg Raises
5×10-20 second Planks
Level 2 (Intermediate):
5×5-10 Bodyweight Squats
5×5-10 Push Ups
5×3-5 Pull Ups
5×5-10 Bodyweight Lunges
5×5-10 Pike Push Ups
5×5-10 Ring Rows
5×5-10 Hanging Knee Raises
5×20-40 second Planks
Level 3 (Advanced):
5×5-10 Chair-Assisted Pistol Squats
5×5-10 Ring Push Ups
5×5-10 Pull Ups
5×5-10 Bodyweight Lunges
5×3-5 Wall-Assisted Handstand Push Ups
5×5-10 Ring Rows, Feet at Level of Hands
5×5-10 Hanging Leg Raises
5×5-10 Front Lever Negatives
Level 4 (Black Widow):
5×5-10 Pistol Squats
5×5-10 Decline Ring Push Ups
5×5-10 Clapping Pull Ups
5×5-10 Jumping Lunges
5×5-10 Freestanding Handstand Push Ups
5×5-10 One-Armed Ring Rows
5×5-10 Toes-to-Bar
5×5-10 second Front Lever Holds
Strength Notes:
This is a bodyweight workout, obviously, but one focused highly on muscular control, and all-around muscle development. The moves at the upper levels requires not just strength, but balance and coordination as well. Core muscles are key here, and we’re doing a lot of dynamic and static work with the abdominals and obliques both as stabilizers (pistol squats, ring push ups, handstands, levers) and as flexors (toes-to-bar.) The goal is to get as strong as possible while still remaining slim, agile, and in good control of your body’s movement.
Level 1 (Beginner):
20-30 minute Walk/Jog
20-30 minute Martial Arts Training (forms/kata or sparring – sparring is ideal)
5×1:00 Heavy Bag Work (rest 1 minute between sets)
Level 2 (Intermediate):
30 minute Jog
30 minute Martial Arts Training (forms/kata or sparring – sparring is ideal)
5×2:00 Heavy Bag Work (rest 1 minute between sets)
Level 3 (Advanced):
30 minute Jog (try to increase your speed/distance traveled)
30 minute Martial Arts Training (forms/kata or sparring – sparring is ideal)
5×3:00 Heavy Bag Work (rest 1 minute between sets)
Level 4 (Black Widow):
30 minute Jog (maintain a sub-7 minute mile as much as possible while running)
30 minute Martial Arts Training (forms/kata or sparring – sparring is ideal)
5×3:00 Heavy Bag Work (rest 30 seconds between sets)
Cardio Notes:
This is LSST cardio, followed by combat-specific cardio, followed by combat-specific drills on the bag. The idea is to warm your body up and get you near optimum VO2 levels, force your body to work and train under those conditions, and then burn whatever gas you have left in the tank with anaerobic bag drills. Obviously this is a decent time sink, but it shouldn’t take much longer than a strength workout, and we are going for peak human performance, here.
Day 1: Strength
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Strength
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest

What’s the schedule like?
Apologies! Should have a schedule now =)
I am wondering if there is any alternatives for the Heavy bag work in the cardio? At the moment I have no access to one.
You can just start with shadowboxing if you don’t have something to hit! =)