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To quote Tiger_Blood’s comment from yesterday’s post, “King is literally a BEAST!” We’re looking to get strong, we’re looking to get big, and we’re looking to get explosively powerful. The goal is to be able to easily lift another human being in the air over your head, and bring them crashing back down to earth again in front of you. THEN to climb to the top turnbuckle, do a flip, and come crashing back down to the earth on top of them. For this, we’re going to be moving a variety of weights, and engaging in a combination of bodybuilding, powerlifting, and athletic movement.
A word of warning: This workout is going to require a lot of equipment. I’m sorry, there just really isn’t any other way to gain King’s physique and strength. If you’re looking for something to get started building mass without much equipment, check out The Best Bodyweight Workout for Building Mass. It should get you started until you can get a gym membership or acquire the equipment you need for this workout. Also worth noting: workouts dictate strength and fitness, diets dictate shape and size. Check out the nutrition info links below for more. Alright, let’s go!
General Nutrition Info:
Lose Weight, Burn Fat:
Build Muscle, Bulk Up:
Before and After Workout Programs:
Note: This workout is designed to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.
Equipment Required:
Style: Station – Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.
Workout A:
4×8 Barbell Back Squats
4×8 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
4×8 Barbell Deadlifts
4×8 Sandbag Hip Thrusters
4×8 Hanging Knee/Leg Raises/Toes-To-Bar
Workout B:
4×8 Barbell Bench Press
4×8 Barbell Rows
4×8 Overhead Dumbbell Press (seated or standing)
4×8 Neutral Grip Chin Ups (add weight when these get easy)
4×8 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Strength Notes:
It’s a simple upper/lower split, hitting antagonistic muscle groups every other set! 4×8 protocol gives us enough reps to build mass, but at a low enough number to still build some serious strength as well. How much weight should I use? Good question! The weight for any given exercise should be heavy enough that at the end of your last set you should be feeling like you don’t have more than two more reps left “in the tank.” If you feel like you could crank out more than that, it’s time to add 5-10 pounds.
If you’re plugging this into the RPG Fitness leveling system, use the standards for the Paladin (yes King is a juggernaut but the Paladin lifting protocol is more similar.)
Equipment Required:
10 Sandbag Clean and Press
10 Sandbag Front Squat
10 Sandbag Jump-Overs (literally just jump back and forth sideways over your sandbag)
10 Pushups (switch to decline push ups with your feet on your sandbag once regular pushups are easy)
10 Russian Twists (hold a weight or sandbag when these get easy)
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat 5 times.
Cardio Notes:
LIFTING FOR CARDIO? YES! This is a brutal little sandbag circuit that definitely can be performed with regular weights, but a sandbag is much better because it works your grip and better simulates chucking someone around. Use the same weight for the clean and press and the front squat, so when you finish your last clean and press you can go straight into your front squats after your last clean and press. Yes, it will be a relatively easy weight to front squat, don’t worry, the idea here is cardio, not heavy lifting. We get enough of that in the strength workout. Increase your andbag weight as this all gets easy. Also, you probably will need a different weight for your Russian Twists vs your Cleans/Squats.
Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Strength B
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Rest
Schedule Notes:
Just a rotational schedule! Do strength A, do strength B, do the cardio, and rest. Lather, rinse, repeat. If you go particularly hard and feel like you need it, take an extra rest day, but try to stick to the four day rotation.
That’s it! Sorry this workout was delayed, still getting used to this update-every-weekday schedule. I know we missed two days this week but I WILL be finishing King this week! Look for The Skills of a Luchador AND The Legacy of a King to both go up tomorrow!
Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

Alright man good job. I want to take this workout seriously. I been serious about fitness for 2 years now. Been doing Dwayne Johnson’s and it is hell, but effective. Did you Chris Redfield one and it was awesome though I had to add a bit of my own into it to sweat more.I really appreciate the hard work you put into all these workouts as we all want to be fictional characters when we workout LOL. I had a few questions though that I feel were left out from the workout…
1: Any delt workouts? King has some boulders on him and some separation going on in those muscles too.
2: Any lat workouts? I use the alt pulldown machine and King has a broad back, practically a shield LOL
3: Any trap workouts like shrugs? This guy some cobra traps like Tom Hardy in Dark Knight Rises.
4: Any bicep workouts? I tend to do hammer curls and regular curls on that weird sitting machine where you extend your arms toward the front as you sit and do them.
5: Any fly workouts for the inner chest or is that not necessary? King’s chest to ab ratio is insane and his chest pops out like crazy with the shadow underneath the pecs and what not.
6: If I cannot get sandbags then what is the alternative?
Off topic questions
1: Any chance we will get to see an Armor King Workout? He does not have much of a physique like King though I figure his would be focused on brute strength.
2: What other Tekken chraracters you thinking of doing next?
THANK YOU so much. Myself and the rest of your followers really appreciate you putting this together as we want to become the characters we see in video games, cartoons, etc. Keep up the good work!
Woo, laundry list! I love it, let’s do it.
1: Any delt workouts? The overhead dumbbell presses, sandbag clean and presses, and decline push ups will all work your delts, but since they’re compound exercises if you’d like (and have the time) to add in isolation stuff, I’d go with a front raise/lateral raise/rear delt row triple superset at the end of workout B just to really knock the delts out. Weight doesn’t have to be super high, just grab what you’ve got and hit it.
2: Any lat workouts? High rep deads, barbell rows, pull ups, and clean and presses SHOULD be enough to make those wings grow. However, as with the delts, if you want to fry those lats further, you could add in some dumbbell or cable rows (or both.) I’d do them at the end of workout A.
3: Any trap workouts like shrugs? Barbell rows and deadlifts I find both help with traps, but if you want to hit them harder, then at the end of the last rep of every deadlift set, throw in eight shoulder shrugs as well (so you do 4 sets of 8 shrugs basically superset with your deads.)
4: Any bicep workouts? I’m not a huge fan of bicep isolation, but if you want to throw some curls in, go for it. I think the weighted pull ups and barbell rows will probably be enough, though. See how it goes!
5: Any fly workouts for the inner chest or is that not necessary? Honestly? Probably mostly genetics at work there. You’re going to get a lot of chest work from the bench, push ups, and even the overhead press. With that said, if you want to throw in some flys along with your extra delt work at the end of workout B, go for it. =D
6: If I cannot get sandbags then what is the alternative? All the sandbag exercises can be done with a standard barbell as well. Sandbags don’t have to be super fancy Rogue brand sandbags, though. I mean, you can literally just grab a heavy-duty military-style duffel bag and fill it with play sand, or dirt, or gravel, or whatever.
Off topic questions
1: Any chance we will get to see an Armor King Workout? For armor king I’d honestly just do this workout and eat a little less so you don’t get quite as big. XD
2: What other Tekken chraracters you thinking of doing next? Hmm…I dunno, Jin of course is always a possibility. Heihachi too. I might cover a female character next time we hit the series, though, in which case I’d probably go with Nina.
Alright! So for:
1: workout A I added cable rows, lat pull downs, and biceps 4×8 each. As well as the shrugs right after the deadlifts as you said 4×8
2: workout B I adapted the front/lateral/rear raise supersets and dumbbell flys 4×8
What I m focusing on here is for my workouts to at least last 45 mins as I currently spend about that time to an hour and 15 depending. AND that the workouts kick my butt and make me sweat as my current workout can make me ring my shirt and have sweat fall come out.
One more question man. Forgot to ask about upper and lower chest workouts so any suggestions?
Incline bench or decline push ups for upper region, decline bench or incline push ups for lower region.
Alright today I started the workout and I hoped, KILLER. Made me sweat more than my usual workouts. My legs are sore and it was different going back to the squat rack from the leg press machine. Can’t wait for workout B tomorrow!
Also a follow-up on today’s workout I did the upper body workout B plus the minor additions that you recommended such as delts, incline, etc. And it really made me sweat as well compared to my old workouts I literally felt myself becoming King. The workout in total took about an hour to hour 10 mins. Let’s see how tomorrow’s cardio day will be thanks again
REVIEW FOR CARDIO WORKOUT. Ok Dan and everyone, so as you can see I post a lot about how these workouts work for me. Workout A and B are intense and seem very easy at a first glance I will admit, but when you do them with a good amount of weight and proper for you feel the pump. I was hoping they would last 45 minutes minimum and they did! The cardio workout I knocked out in 20 minutes with 45 weight plates on each side for the clean and press and front squat. I also used a 25 pound plate for the russian twists.
FOR THE OUTCOME. I was drenched in sweat like a mofo honestly. By the 3rd set, I was dripping sweat and when I would do the jump overs you can see sweat flying off me. Sweat was dripping down on the mat and I have done the INSANITY workout before, but this is more intense as it is done with weight rather than bodyweight. I added 20 extra minutes of cardio to make everything add up to 45 minutes, though next time maybe I will add more weight to stick to the workout itself so it alone lasts that long. The Chris Redfield workout aint got nothing on this 😛
Thanks again Dan and keep up the good work.
Lol I just noticed you quoted me. Thanks for making the workout and keep up the amazing work!