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Name: YoRHa No. 2 Type B
Games: Nier: Automata
Archetype: Fighter
Class: Weapons Master
- Android construction
- Close combat specialist.
- Skilled pilot.
- Agile.
- Strong.
- Reserved.
- Snarky.
- Loyal.
- Fearless.
- Driven.
YorHa No. 2 Type B (hereafter referred to as “2B”) is one of the protagonists of Nier: Automata. Snarky and reserved, but also fearless and driven, she’s a powerful combatant for the cause of the androids in the machine war. As an android, her abilities are far beyond that of normal human combatants,but we’re going to do the best to emulate them anyway.
Skilled with blades and hand to hand combat, her trademark fighting style is incredibly agile and explosive. She’s definitely a fighter, belonging to the Weapons Master class alongside Samurai Jack, Riku, Kilik, and Ike. Pretty sure she’d be able to whoop most of them, though… Anyway, let’s take a look at how we’re going to approach becoming this badass mechanical mistress of marauding machine murderbots.
With The 2B Workout, we’re going to go hard on agility and speed. 2B spends most of her time dodging, dashing, and dancing through her foes, so we’re going to prioritize mobility with a mostly plyometric bodyweight-based workout. She’s not bulky, but she is quite strong, so we’re going to build some solid upper body strength for wielding various hand-to-hand blades and weaponry as well.
In The Power of a YoRHa we’re going to take a look at the unique abilities and skills an android of 2B’s caliber can exhibit. As always, we’re going to talk about her combat capabilities first, focusing on the types of blades she wields in combat, and also touch on combat maneuverability. As an android, however, YoRHa units also have other unique abilities to focus on, such as the ability to download and rapidly assimilate new information and skills to be utilized by either themselves, or their support units. We’re going to take a look at all this and more in this post.
Do Androids Dream of Automata Sheep is going to touch on 2B’s own psychology and outlook on the world. Though she plays at being cool and reserved, internally 2B actually has very strong feelings about her compatriots, the world around her, and herself. She’s not just an emotionless robot or soldier, and we’re going to explore this internal mindset and what lessons we can learn from it.
This is going to be a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to covering all things 2B! Also, I’m going to try to start doing a new blog post every weekday here, so you can come back tomorrow for The 2B Workout! I’ll see you then! As always remember to live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!