Arya Stark
Nina Williams
Shinya Kogami
Black Widow
Emily Kaldwin
Agent 47
Ryu Hayabusa
Aya Brea
Jill Valentine
Desmond Miles
Nathan Drake
Aiden Pearce
Faith Connors
Guybrush Threepwood
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sam Fisher
Ezio Auditore
Solid Snake
Edward Kenway
Jin Kazama
The Boss
Aela the Huntress
Terry Bogard
Tifa Lockhart
YoRHa No. 2 Type B
Mikasa Ackerman
Samurai Jack
Captain Falcon
Gabriel Belmont
Little Mac
The Arrow
Geralt of Rivia
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Galen Marek
Isaac Clarke
Booker DeWitt
Connor Kenway
AKA Ratonhnhaké:ton
Alex Mason
Lara Croft
Chun Li
Wonder Woman
Arthas Menethil
Luke Cage
Marcus Fenix
Chris Redfield
Master Chief
Duke Nukem
Build Your Own Powersuit
Samus Aran
Donkey Kong
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try geralt of rivia from the witcher,or snake from the metal gear series, and then there’s jedi and sith too, infact try marcus fenix from gears of war and 47 from hitman, characters from dragon age or a vampire game would be badass…
Well the good news is, you’re not the first person to suggest those characters! Geralt is on the list, as is Starkiller(for a little sith/jedi action), Marcus, and Agent 47. Also, Snake is going to be the next character we cover! I put the characters up for a voting poll on Facebook and Tumblr to pick who I’m going to cover next, so be sure to follow the blog there!
Man how are you ever gonna keep up, The list may just never end…there’s always a new addition to your list of warriors as it happens to the video game industry…
And one more thing, could you specify the character classes on a separate page with a link on your home page. That’d be swell. I mean a lot of guys i know have trouble choosing which character would suit best for their individual strengths and weaknesses. You could also put up a quiz for that matter. I mean the choices you give are all so lucrative, one might lose oneself in it.
You’re giving us nerds a chance to finally live our dreams…bless you for that.
haha, yeah, I know, it’s an uphill struggle. Guess I’ll just keep plugging away =D
A quiz is actually an excellent idea. I’m currently in the beginning stages of a redesign for the blog, and I will definitely take that and the character class page into consideration.
Hey, you’re the only one able to give yourself a chance to live your dreams, I’m just trying to show you where the path is. =D I’m really happy to help, though.
Can’t wait for 47
Scorpion and/or sub zero I think would be great character to do.
I agree! Thanks for the suggestion!
I agree!
What about Matt Murdock Aka Daredevil
Has anyone suggested Jacob Frey from AC Syndicate?
I’m wondering if you guys could write a piece on Guts aka Gattsu. He’s probably one of my favorite characters. I know he doesn’t originate from gaming but I think that he is a very layered and complex character that is well worth the exemption. I find these articles really cool and I’d like you guys to give me a look inside my favorite characters head. If you read this whole thing thanks.
Guts has been suggested before, so there’s definitely a good chance I’ll be getting to him at some point =D
Hey, do you still make new posts? I realize this is a pretty old blog. Do you have a new one, do you still update this one, or do you not do either of them? If you do, could I suggest a character for you: Garrett from Thief would be awesome, he is the very definition of the rogue class.
New posts every Monday and Thursday.
Just click the “blog” link on the nav bar at the top. Garrett is a great suggestion 
I was thinking about adding a workout routine of Mighty the Armadillo from the Sega series. Actually, I kind of made one. He is super strong but has that slim physique. He was portrayed as both a speed and power character in the games, but in the comics he was only a power character. In the Pre-super genesis wave (SGW) series, he received his super strength from Mammoth Mogul; however, post-SGW Mighty was born with super strength. I know not many remember Mighty but I thought about giving him some attention. He was first before the Chaotix [referring to SegaSonic arcade game], and his pre-SGW self gave special training to Vector and Julie-su (pre-SGW Knuckles’ girlfriend) when Sonic was thought dead for a year.
Eager fans waiting…Eager fans waiting…
Eager blogger working! Haha, I know it’s been a while since a new character, it’s in the works!
Hey, Dan!
I just wanted to say how much I love your website! My favourites are Commander Shepard and Isaac Clarke. I was reading the article about Phillip Jones/AstraVex and he was so inspiring. However, my story is quite the opposite. While Phillip is on a mission to lose weight, I need to gain weight. Any tips?
Also, may I suggest a game character or two for you to add to your to-do list? Garrett of the Thief Series and Corvo Attano of Dishonored. They’re almost similar to some of the characters that you’ve already done, so I wouldn’t mind if you skipped them.
One more thing, do you mind if I shared your website with some of my friends, real world and online? I’m a bit worried that your website might get spammed with chain mail and advertisement nonsense.
Take care,
The Barn Owl
Hey Barn Owl!
Thanks for taking the time to write! I’m really glad you enjoy the site! You can most definitely share it with your friends, in fact, I encourage it! Healthy living is one of the best things to spread around (don’t worry, my server can handle it). As to your character suggestions, they’ve actually both been suggested before, so yeah, I’d say there’s a good chance I’ll cover them in the future
Until then, I’d recommend something like The Faith or Ezio workout, as they have similar builds/skills.
In regards to gaining weight, I’m gonna need a little more info! What’s your current height/weight, and what kind of build are you shooting for? Hit me up in an email to, I’d be happy to go into detail =)
Live boldly!
You should do Krieg from Borderlands 2!
Alrighty, I’ll add him to “The List!”
You should do Cloud Strife
Nikolai Orelov , russian master assassin.
Ooh, that might be a little tricky, since he doesn’t technically appear in the games…
NCR veteran ranger from fallout new Vegas
or does it have to be a main character?
Haha, well generally I like to stick to main characters, but I’ll consider it =D
I’ve been doing your Ratonhnhaké:ton workout for a few weeks now and It’s really helped in my rowing fitness so thank you
Excellent! Way to go!
I love the blog man it’s great. have you ever considered doing Terry Bogarde from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters or Gabriel Belmont from Castlevania Lords of Shadow series?
Thanks! Those are both excellent suggestions, I think I’ll add them to “The List.” =D The list is pretty long at this point, so it might be a little while, but we’ll get there!
All good thing are worth the wait, keep on trucking man.
I would love to see some of the Avengers up on here, especially Captain America. Also if you have time could you also maybe do a Wonder Woman one as well? That would be just too cool!
Ooh, now THAT is tempting. I used to have a moratorium on characters that originate outside of the gaming medium, but I think I’ve kind of broken that wall with Batman, soo….hmmm. >_>
Lol well if it would make the decision easier you could base the DC characters off of games like Injustice and the Marvel ones off of Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter or Marvel Ultimate Alliance. :)Either way it just sounds fun! Love the website so just keep doing what makes you happy.
Very true!
You could easily make a spin off ebook called “How To Be A Super Hero”
So when can we expect some new characters. I saw in one of the comments you mentioned Starkiller and that got me excited. I loved The Force Unleashed 1 and 2 and i’m a big
Star Wars fan. Other characters in would love to see are Corvo Attano, the assassin of Dunwall (of course I already recommend him) Cole McGrath or Delsin Rowe from InFAMOUS 1 and 2 and the newly released Second Son. Any Mortal Kombat character would be awesome but the ones I’m sure everyone wants to see are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Bordelands characters would be cool but im not sure how applicable they are. Sora, Riku, Roxas, Axel, Ansem, any character from Kingdom Hearts would be AMAZING. War and Death from Darksiders would also be pretty epic. Well I think that’s it from me. Hope we get some new ones soon
New characters will debut every Wednesday. Last weeks was Sheik, next one’s going live within the hour =D
Oh that’s epic I cant wait
Luckily, you don’t have to =D
The game isn’t out yet but hopefully we could see how to be like Aiden Pearce from Watch_Dogs! I would be FOREVER grateful!!! Love you guys!
Dude, that’s an awesome suggestion. Definitely adding him to the list.
You should do Ike. He’s a swolehouse awesome guy and he’s back for SSB4 wooooooo!
Duuuuude, I saw his Smash4 debut shot and I was like “DAAAAAAYUM.” Coincidentally he’s one of my favorite characters in Brawl, as well.
Full confession time, though: I’ve never played a Fire Emblem game. Ever. I think I’d have to put in a little hands-on time with him in his native environment before I featured him…or maybe not. We’ll see =D Good suggestion, though!
Is it possible you could do Deadpool, he is legendary so it would be awesome if you could base a workout around him. Cheers..
Haha, while not traditionally a game character, is DOES have a game now, so I’ll consider it…
Awesome website! Have you considered doing Garrett from the thief video games? I have to say it again awesome website!
Thanks! Garrett is definitely on the list! You’re not the first person to suggest him, hehe. I should be getting to him soon!
Also: I’d definitely recommend clicking that link in the top right and join the mailing list so you know when he comes out, in case you don’t check the site all that frequently =D
How about adding Strider Hiryu to the list.
Ooh, good one! Added! FYI if you pledge a dollar in the Patreon campaign you get to VOTE on which character we do next, as well!
He gets a lot of hate but Robin or Nightwing would be awesome!!!
Haha, but which Robin? =D
They’re all awesome but Dick Grayson definitely
Other good idea for a character is Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear, he looks like a Tank/Fighter or just a plain old fighter but who knows just doing this on a fly.
Also Terry Bogard from King of Fighters is another one I was thinking something old school classic ya know?
and for the females I think Aya Brea from Parasite Eve is also good sorry for the muilt post I’m on a phone.
Added all three! Good list =D
Dude, I think your website is broke. When I click on Sephiroth or Link it sends me to Connor.
Yes, sorry! Brief bug with the “related posts” system I’m working on. Should be fixed now! Refresh the page first, and then all should be good. Thanks for the heads up!
No problem, keep up the good work.
What about Little Mac or even Mega Man (I doubt the latter is possible but worth a try right?).
Good suggestions, both! I actually really want to do Mega Man, but it is going to be a LITTLE tricky. But heck, I covered Master Chief and Samus, Mega Man isn’t that far off! They’re on the list!
I think the hardest bit would be all of the different powers he can use.
Agreed. Plus developing a fitness program for a robot. Like, how does that work? X__x
Lots of jumping.
Jump and shoot man! Jump and shoot!
You should make a workout for jak from the jak and daxter series. He’s extremely agile and quick, and his skills are unparalleled.
Awesome suggestion, I’ll add him to the list! Thanks for reading!
Yep, his punches are also very powerful to. Two words to describe his physique would be: Be springy and powerful.
Hey, thanks for everything you do I am very excited to try out the Shiek workout myself. xP As for character suggestions, I know I am probably not the first to suggest these but to throw out some ideas perhaps Raiden from metal gear, Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden, Garett from Theif, and perhaps the protagonist from Mark of the ninja? Anyway, Keep being awesome.
Awesome suggestions, thanks! I’ll add them to the list! Make sure to keep an eye on The Patreon Campaign every Sunday and chip in a dollar so you can vote for who you want next!
Hi, its me again! New idea, what about Yasuo from league of legends. He would definitely be a lot about speed and agility, his morals and his fighting style would all make a really cool guide! Anyway, keep it up this is a brilliant way to get geeks like me to exercise. Woo! ^_^
Ooh, good suggestion! (though I hate laning against him). I’ll add him to the list!
I love this website, have you thought about making a workout for Bigby Wolf from the wolf among us?
I have not, but now I will! Thanks for the suggestioN!
Squall leonhart from final fantasy viii
Any chance of a captain falcon workout?
Has anyone ever suggested a Little Mac workout? I would be very happy if you posted that!
Hold on… it’s already been suggested! Serves me right for not looking at the comments. Still suggesting though lol XD pls make it happen! I want to be strong like him!
I’m doing the link workout.
Could I suggest Deathstroke from Arkham Origins and The Grey Warden or hawke from dragon age.
Sure, they’re all good suggestions! I’ll add em to the list =D
Jonny quest from jonny Quest: Cover-Up At Roswell and Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin’s Underworld just random idea and old school
Hahaha, oh man, old school!
How about a workout based on the Prince from the Sands of Time trilogy? I’ve always had him as one of my gamer role-models. (Not counting his appearence in Warrior Within. He’s just a douche in that one…)
Ooh, good one! I’ll add him!
Hey Dan nice job with your posts so far and i think sly cooper and akuma would be good to addon to the list
Thanks! Good suggestions! I did do an Akuma Combat Guide on the youtube channel so you can check that out for now (just click videos at the top), and the Ryu workout wouldn’t be a bad sub until I get around to covering Akuma. Thanks for reading!
Characters from Guilty Gear? Sol Badguy or Ky Kiske or who knows alot of them can be picked.
Guilty Gear and other fighting games are awesome because you can cover basically ANY character from them, hahaha. Good suggestions!
Is it okay if I suggest/request the Protagonists from Persona 3 and 4? Or even just any of them at all? Like they use a variety weapons. Like one uses a rapier, one uses her legs, one uses a halberd etc
It’s always okay! I’ll have to do a little legwork on that as I’ve never actually played any of the Persona games but hey, I’m down! =D
That’s awesome! I’d be happy to discuss/help with some of them. I’m a big Persona game player so I know quite a bit about them :3
I think that shulk from xenoblade would be a great workout for beagamecharacter
Plus, hey, Smash Bros.! =P
Taco Man xD
Hi. I’ve done a few of these workouts myself ie; ryu and Batman. I’m a big xmen fan and would love to see a workout from that character roster. I think one of the more well rounded mutants in strength,size, and agility like a gambit or wolverine.
Good suggestion, but you should really go add it on the forums! It’s getting a little hard to keep track of suggestions from all over the place to I’m trying to consolidate them in one place =D
I would like to see Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow. As a work out!
haha, I, too, am an Arrow fan! Technically he’s a Comic/TV character, not a video game character, so other characters might take priority for a little while, but I’ll add him to the list =D
He is in the injustice videogame, so I guess that counts. I’m really looking for the season premiere tomorrow!
True! That episode, man. Too many feels.
do karl fishburne from sniper elite series
I know these things take a lot of time but would you consider doing any characters from tf2
Maaaaybe! Which one would you like to see?
Heavy weapons guy
Hey man great site.I am really loving these workouts and curently using solid snake workout and skills but i would like to ask you if you could do a agent 47 workout because he is my favourite game character.Keep up the good work man…
Thanks! Glad you like the site! Agent 47 has been requested more than a couple of times, so you can rest assured that we’re going to get to him! Thanks for commenting!
Do you follow any of these workouts?
Sort of! I’m currently doing a hybrid of The Connor Kenway and Ezio workouts, with a bit of my own stuff thrown in. You can follow my progress and see my workouts on my workout log over on the forums!
How about Marcus Fenix or a character from Gears of War?
Hey dude! I actually covered Marcus! For some reason he’s not here on the master list. I’ll have to remedy that, thanks for pointing it out! In the meantime, here’s his character spotlight: and here’s his workout:
I love this blog…my whole life I’ve ran round with sword and shield pretending to be Link or with BB guns pretending to be Resident Evil characters. This blog helped me to begin achieving. Have you ever thought of posting about Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil? Preferably his RE4 phase?
Good suggestion! You’re not the first to ask for Leon, so I’ll definitely add him to the list! In the meantime, I have covered Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. Chris is a little big to be a substitution for Leon, but Jill’s program might be a bit more fitting. Here’s her stuff:
Thanks for answering my question in your video too BTW, it was really helpful and my sleeping pattern is getting back to normal (or as normal as it will ever be)
You’re welcome! Glad I could help. =) Sleep is something I’ve struggled with my whole life (chronic insomnia, mild apnea), so I’ve done a LOT of research on it, and I’m happy to help as much as I can. I sympathize with sleeping issues.
Been thinking a lot about this and what if I was to use the Jill workout but with more focus on upper body strength? (The amount of times that guy found himself dragging his ass up a cliff is unreal XD) Just wondered your professional opinion…
Sure! What were you thinking of adding in?
Had to reply here because for some reason there’s no reply button on your latest comment but this is where I need your professional opinion you see I don’t have a lot of experience with regards to fitness regimes so I don’t know what would constitute gaining strength without bulking out…maybe some small weights or something and more pull-ups per set?
Thank this Website and keep posting info
Thanks for the comment, keep reading! =D
I know these things take a lot of time and you already have a lot of things lined up, but I would like to suggest Saxton Hale from team fortress 2. I know he isn’t really in the game besides his own unofficial mode, but I think it would be a good one to do.
We need big boss. I know he is very similar to solid but he is definitely stronger.
As a suggestion, there should be a DeathStroke workout. But that’s just my opinion/suggestion.
hey man could you please please please make a workout of Siegfried Schtauffen from Soul calibur Series!it would be so cool
Oooh, Siegfried, that’s a solid suggestion! I’ll add him to the list =D
Awesome!! Thanks so much
Hey Dan, for someone trying to be like a dovahkiin, what workout would you recommend for someone who is trying to get the build of a Nord
I’d say go for the Chris Redfield workout if you have access to weights, personally. Gonna be your best bed for that well-muscled, powerful nordic frame.
Thank you
Hey Mr Dat is the firt time that i see this website and its really great i love it all the characters,workout and i am a big fan of videogames and working out could you please please add the Altered Beast the Ps2 version character “Luke Caster” workout
he is really great! cmon he can transform on 9 different creatures and he knows how to fight when the vital energy is low and with a punch he can absorb that energey from his enemies
hope you post it and like it
i really like you page bro
if you read it thank you so much
Hi! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, those are solid suggestions! If you’ve got a second, you should head over to the forum and throw them up on the character suggestion thread!
Done Mr Dart i post it twice sorry! i am new in this :/ i am sirhard3173 on the forum
All good! I fixed your multi-post =D
I know it’s not necessarily a game character, but I’d love to see a workout for zero from one piece
Hey man, how about Krieg from Bordorlands 2 or any Bordorlands characters? Go suggest ’em!
We still need mortal combat characters on this blog. Any chance of them soon?
I agree! I think next character poll will be “Fighting Game Characters” and there will definitely be some MK guys on their.
Are going to add Claire Redfield to the list, since you already have Jill Valentine? Or even Catwoman? :3 Leon S. Kennedy would also be good to have and Borderlands characters, too.
Have you done a Fox or Falco workout yet?
hi,have you considered Marth from Fire Emblem and the Smash Bros series?
Albert wesker
Yours site’s awesome man.
The only crime its guilty of is not having the Prince of Persia on the list.
Looking forward to seeing him……….
Im really looking for a parkour/agility oriented while still strength/muscle building workout workout.
Whaddya say?
Do deathstroke
I just found this website and I’m loving it so far! I’m extremely into fitness and video games so it’s perfect! Have you thought of doing a post about Deadpool! He’s kinda a game character. Lol. Oh and Agent 47 would be awesome! I’m starting the Solid Snake workout routine today!
Captain Falcon… or is that just Ganondorf with more cardio?
Your fans await your return Dan. You have inspired us to grow in more ways than one.
Is lifting 3 days enough to mKe decent gains?
Honestly? It’s definitely better than nothing, but not nearly as good as 5-6 days a week.
Brick from Borderlands
Hey dan, would the master chief workout be good enough to build the pysique of the nord from the elder scrolls?
Absolutely. If you’re looking to build muscle (I’m not sure where you’re at, physique-wise), you’re also going to want to eat at a moderate caloric surplus, and get 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you’re overweight and want to look like a nord, then shoot for a caloric deficit of around 250-350 calories a day, while still consuming 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
How would you suggest combining workouts? I’m interested in mixing 3 right now (Little mac, Raoh, Ezio). Mac for skill, Raoh for power and size, and Ezio for speed.
Honestly? I wouldn’t recommend trying to combine more than two workouts. I would just pick one workout, and maybe work in a little bit of another. Personally, I’d recommend going with Raoh, and work in some of the cardio and sprints from Ezio.
Alright. Thanks for the input!
How about a Fighter (Male or Female) from Dungeon Fighter Online?
Not a bad suggestion!
Hello! I’m not sure if this one is possible or not, but how about Styx the goblin?
Ooh, that’s definitely a great suggestion and a unique character! Thanks!
I just thought about these recommendations because my girlfriend and I have been talking about potential characters you could look into.
We suggest: Shay Cormac/Aveline de Grandpre (Assassin’s Creed), Big Boss (Metal Gear), Daredevil (been watching the Netflix series so I thought why not), Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield (Resident Evil), The Sailor Scouts (Sailor Moon), and Bayonetta (Self titled game lol)
Awesome recommendations, and I’ve gotten a few of them before! =D I will say it’s the first time I’ve seen The Sailor Scouts suggested before, which is great! Pretty sure my wife would appreciate that one!
Would Krieg from Borderlands 2 be possible?
Not the first time he’s been suggested, definitely a possibility!
How’s it going? One of my friends suggested this site so I’m a bit lost. Do you have any suggestions for a Rogue that is known for dirty tactics? I’m looking for someone who fights for survival. Thanks for the help
Hmmmm… Unfortunately, I don’t think I have anyone who fits that EXACT description, yet… Joel might be a good option, he’s not known for dirty tactics, necessarily, but he’s all about survival.
Edward Kenway, as a pirate, would probably be more of a dirty tactics type guy, so he’s an option, too:
Deadpool would also be a guy who’d be all about unique tactics, and I’m covering him right now:
Those would be my three recommendations to start with. Do you have any particular goals you’re looking for in regards to fitness or personal improvement? I might be able to steer you a little better if I knew them. Either way, please make sure you stop in over at The Guild Hall (link is at the top on the right) and have a chat with the community there, we might be able to “crowdsource” something for you. At any rate, thanks so much for stopping by, and thank for friend for me for suggesting the site to you!
Thanks again for the help. Joel seems the most likely route I’m going down. Deadpool and Kenway are good suggestions, but I can’t exactly see myself as such. They both follow a discipline in the way they fight. Joel on the other hand seems like the “if I see it and it’s useful, USE IT!” Type. Anything can happen in a fight, and I’ve seen crazy stuff in some street scraps, like a guy using a fork as a weapon when he got jumped. Very unusual, but very effective when he uses it in a stabbing motion.
Forks can be really dangerous if they’re all you’ve got. Sounds like Joel is probably closest to what you’re looking for, yeah.
I’m a huge fan of the Assassin’s Creed series, and couldn’t help but cackle like a loon when I had seen that you had Connor, Desmond, Edward, and Ezio. The only problem I’m having is deciding on which one to pick! Ezio has the experiance, Connor has the ferocity, Edward has the know how to survive and fight on land and sea, and Desmond has them all in his head. Please help? I was also told it’s polite to leave a suggestion, so how about Max Payne?
Ooh, Max Payne is a good suggestion! gonna have to file that one away for some future consideration =D
In my opinion, you should pick who you feel most connected with, and/or most inspired by. If you had to pick one of them to show up in your life, and act as your mentor, who would you pick? Remember, you want to set them up as a goal to aim for in order to keep you motivated, so you need to have that inner connection to start.
Thanks a lot for visiting, I’m glad you enjoy the site so far! Make sure you stop over and say hey in The Guild Hall!
Hello! It’s a little late (for me anyways) but I thought I would suggest the Priest from DFO. I noticed that their weren’t very many healers in the list, so here ya go!
Ooh! You know, I’ve actually kind of wanted to start a new “Arcane” or some such archetype to feature magic-type characters. I would say Priest falls in line with the Paladin class, for sure, but I’d like to figure out some sort of take on the archetype that lends itself a bit more to the magic theme (healers, wizards, etc.) Thanks for the suggestion! Got the brain juices going…
Hello! I’ve done some looking and I’ve managed to find a Tibetan Buddhist art called Reiki (not sure if spelled right). It seemed useful if you still wanna try the arcan theme.
Yeeeaaaaah I dunno about bringing in actual new age/metaphysical/magick stuff, just for lack of verifiable scientific evidence. When I was thinking the arcane thing I was thinking more scientifically-based mastery of the mind type stuff. I dunno.
Good evening. I am a Corpsman of the US Navy and was recommended by a friend to check out this site since gaming is one of the few past-times we have. I’m currently studying to be a Mortician (hence the name), so I’m curious if you have any characters in mind? I’m aiming for a slim, but deadly build that can take on any opponent both effectively and efficiently. Being in the military does set good standards, but I would like a goal to help me go above and beyond that. Thank you for your time.
Good evening. I was recommended by a fellow Corpsman to check out this site because “Well purposed workouts, and info”. I’m currently studying to be a Mortician (hence the name), so I’m curious if you have any characters in mind? I’m aiming for a slim, but deadly build that can take on any opponent both effectively and efficiently. Being in the military does set good standards, but I would like a goal to help me go above and beyond that. Thank you for your time.
Hey, thanks for commenting, and thank you for your service! In my opinion, it sounds like Sam Fisher is the best fit for what you’re looking for:
Sam’s not a huge guy, but he’s strong enough to overpower his foes efficiently, and remove or overcome any obstacles in his way. His workout is based around progressive overload through weighted bodyweight exercise (probably seems pretty familiar to you in the military,) as well as building supreme bodily control through endurance holds and drills.
Does that sound like something you’re looking for? If not, we can keep digging!
Thanks again,
I was surprised that a reply was already placed after only one day, thank you for that. Sam Fisher does have awesome qualities that I’m excited to test, but I do feel a little unsatisfied for some reason. Me just probably being picky, but I will give the Sam Fisher build a run through first. I greatly appreciate the help and response, and after looking around the site, I am very impressed! Kudos to you good sir!
I just realized I had posted the same thing. I am so sorry for that!
Don’t sweat it =D
How’s it going? I’ve heard good things about the site from a couple of other Corpsman that kept singing praises bout this site, and I’m a bit impressed myself. I’m already in a routine with a couple of Marines right now, but I figured I’d ask and see how well this works. Other than trying to patch up my squad, I may also have to run, pick someone up and on my shoulders, and run back as fast as I can. Fighting isn’t the priority, but protecting the injured is, so combat is also possible. A “shield with spikes!” person is how we’re seen. Thank you, not for just reading, but for looking out for my shipmates.
Thanks for stopping by! Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you on this, been really jamming on some stuff behind the scenes =D
Thanks for your service, I appreciate all you and your squad do in your service! Thematically, your description of your job really reminds me of Braum, from League of Legends (who I covered here: ) but workout-wise, I’d probably recommend The Master Chief Workout for you. Solid strength, but also a heavy focus on endurance. Not sure what your current routine looks like, but you might want to work in some stuff from that workout! You can find it here:
Thanks again for stopping by and leaving a comment! (and thank your squad for spreading the word, for me!)
Hello! Would Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist (there is a game!).
Armstrong is the man. He is very similar to Braum, though, so in the event that it takes me a while to get to him, Braum would probably be a good substitute. =D
Hello! Is Shovel Knight possible? I know I’ve heard of combat with a shovel before.
Definitely possible!
Hello! Here’s a Horror suggestion for ya, Jason Voorhees. A tank that can take and deal a lot of damage, but possible?
Hmmmm…I dunno, I’m not sure there’s much depth to the character…
Hello! I’ve figured out the workout I’m gonna be using, but I kinda mixing and mashing the skill. I’ve tailored the Batman schedule to where I can still stay fit and in routine, but learning all the skills from different characters. Any suggestions to help make sure my noggin doesn’t explode?
Howdy there. Before I start, you are awesome man. Not many dive straight into the inner workings of game characters and bring them to life, and you do it very well! Alright, Fanboying is over. A buddy of mine and myself started a little competition were we pick random game characters (from almost ANY game) and see if we can bring them to life, physique and skills all in one. I’m dead set on the Gunner (Mechanic) from Dungeon Fighter Online, and he’s set on Deadpool. He suggested I ask and see if you have any suggestions on what I could do since the Gunchanic isn’t easy to emulate. Any suggestions boss?
I’m going to start with Isaac Clarke as a base to the build. If you have any tips, please let me know!
Hey there! Sorry it took me a little while to follow up on this. First off, thanks for reading, I’m glad you and your buddy like the blog, and I love the fact that you challenge each other like this! So, Isaac Clarke is a good one for the Mechanic, I think another solid pick would probably be Aiden Pearce: Are you planning on doing any tech type stuff to go with your character theme, or is this strictly a physical quest? Let me know, and I may be able to help out more.
Thanks again for stopping by, and for taking the time to leave a comment!
I’m gonna be looking into robotics and tech (coding, hardware, and sotware). What we’re aiming for is basically bringing these characters into reality as much as we can. Me and my pal both practice at a gun range, see what tech and skills we’ll need, and how to gain the builds of the characters. So far he’s in the lead with dual katana lessons.
Sweet. Personally, I’d recommend you get involved with the Raspberry Pi or Arduino communities ( and )
They’re fantastic maker communities and they do some really cool stuff, and the barrier for entry is very low. Definitely worth a look.
How about John Constantine? I’m more a fan of his comic book self, but I know there was a game about the guy.
Ooh, I think you may actually be the first person to suggest him. Nice one!
Hiya! I was going through the comments and saw a commenter with the name Undertaker who wanted to be a mortician. The name and profession he’s going for got me curious of weather there was any game based character like that? I’m still looking and so far I’m coming up with zip!
Honestly? I can’t think of anyone. You’ve got a couple small-ish characters like Dampe in Legend of Zelda and Yorick Mori in League of Legends, but there’s no primary “Undertaker” character that I know of. I think it would be a fantastic concept to run with, though, you know any game dev studio heads? =P
Hello again Dan, and Deadman! (not really). I managed to get some leave time and saw this discussion. While the subject is interesting, not many want to delve into how the caretakers of the dead are. Workout wise, I can tell you that you need to be able to carry your own weight or more, and have a good solid core. I started as a gravedigger when I helped out at the local funeral home, and the only equipment I was give was a couple of wooden stakes, a tarp, a pickaxe, and a shovel. As part of the procession you also may be tasked with being a Pallbearer, and help carry the casket. Skill wise, look into anatomy and physiology, thanato-chemistry/ology, restorative arts. If you end up take care of the graveyard, you’ll also want to look into landscaping, gardening and lawn care. The mind of a mortician is tricky, because of the diversity of the people. Some are morose, dark, creepy, empathic, wise, or just silent. You surround yourself with the very object humans always try to outrun; death. You can expect a few individuals to have quirks when they are in this profession, I know I do. I hope this helped you out, and sorry for taking up the space Dan!
Thanks for the excellent reply! Don’t worry about taking up space, that was high quality! I hope it helps Deadman out!
Can we find a game dev to ask about this?!? It sounded awesome before, but with the explanation and how you visualize it, this would make a hell of a game!
Would Volke from Fire Emblem be good?
Sure, he’s a great character! I’ll add him to the list =D
Got a couple of characters for ya. Hope ya like’em.
Grayson Hunt – Bulletstorm
John Marston – Red Dead Redemption
Kane or Lynch – Kane & Lynch
McCall Brothers – Call of Juarez bound by blood
Victor Reznov – Call of Duty Black Ops
Sean Devlin – Saboteur
Howdy there! How about Lobo from “Injustice: Gods Among us”? Can’t have a party without the main man!
Great suggestion! I probably won’t be moving on to him right away, just because I JUST covered Deadpool, but I’m definitely adding him to the list. =D
Could you do Goku? Like a workout for regular Goku, ss1, ss2, ss God etc? And Robin maybe?
Ooh, that would be interesting. Tough, though, in some ways. Like developing a workout for Superman. >_>
Hi, not sure if any of these have been suggested but Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, or Adam Jensen from Deus Ex all sound like they would be cool ideas. For the partner characters, maybe do something about best friends and how partnerships work?
Ooh, that would be a cool take! Most of them have been suggested before, but I haven’t gotten to them yet. I like that partnership idea, though! Thanks for suggesting it!
A Vergil write up from devilmaycry would make me happy haha
haha I’ll keep it in mind.
Wei Shen from sleeping dogs would be really cool too
Yes he would!
Hello there! Would Solaire of Astora from Dark Souls be possible to bring to life?
SUNBRO! Hahaha that’s a definite possibility!
I would like to suggest Bane. Although he is a comic character more than a game character, he does appear in the arkham series and injustice. He is not very unrealistic in that fact that he has no powers, and besides using venom, he has become a villian by training his mind and his body.
Ooh, good suggestion! Not sure we’ve had him suggested before. I’ll keep him in mind, thanks!
would it be possible to create a workout around doomguy?
im really curious to see how the workout would work
Dude. I don’t know if I can cram that must badass into a blog post. I’m up for a challenge though, haha. I’ll add him to the list!
I know you just did tracer but id like to suggest hanzo, if you feel like doing more overwatch
Probably going to be a while before we revisit overwatch, but hanzo would definitely be a good choice when we do!
Howdy! I’m looking to mix and use Oscar Mike and Whiskey Foxtrot from Battleborn. Not only workout wise, but the charisma they have, while not very sane, is inspiring for their allies and I can’t help but want to gain that aswell! Thanks for what every help you can give dude!
Now that I think about it, you could probably just create those guys or other from Battleborn for everyone, huh? In that I retract and now offer them as requests! (Not sure if I can do that, but oh well).
haha, awesome! Alright, I’ll add them to the list!
I would very much like to see doom guy on this character list. I know he is a lot like master chief and you already covered him. But doom guy is more focused on close combat and melee while chief is more balanced.
DOOOOMGUUUUY!! haha alrighty I’ll keep him in mind. XD
Hello. I’m pretty new to the site, and looking for a good character (goal) to meet and beat. I’m a pretty solid guy weighing at 238, and standing at 5’11. Any suggestion on who to possibly follow? Video games aren’t exactly a big thing on the farm, but my buddies got me into it, so I hope to see and learn from what you wrote. A buddy said to leave a suggestion for a character, so how bout Luigi from Super Mario/ Smash Bros.?
Well, would you be looking to shed some of those pounds, or do you want to stay big and just put on more muscle and/or get stronger? If I know what kind of goal you’d like to work towards I can recommend options a bit better.
I was looking to get cut and lean, like Spiderman if that helps.
Well I see you grabbed RPG Fitness (congratulations, btw!) so I’d recommend going for a caloric deficit as outlined in the Care and Feeding of You, and then the Monk workout program. =D
This might be a silly question but here goes:
My friend and I are looking to start up with a work out plan each from here (these are all awesome by the way many thanks for all the hard work you have put into making your blog and these workout programs, you’re legendary). I noticed on some of the posts you have a “Style” header to denote if the plan is a station or a circuit style, and some do not. So my question is: Are the posts that do not have a notation meant to be done as a circuit style workout? I just wanted to make sure before I ended up doing the workouts in a way they weren’t planned, as I know the order and structure can greatly affect performance and gains.
Also, I apologize if this was covered in another post. Either way thank you much for your hard work and also answering questions as the come in. Lastly, again thank you so much for you efforts and hard work you have put into these workouts and posts. Take care, and keep being awesome.
Hey, thanks for the comment, it’s not a silly question at all!
Yes, some of the older workouts have a lack of formatting or direction on circuit vs. station style workouts. Generally speaking, the best rule of thumb is if it involves free weights (barbells or dumbbells,) it’s a station style workout, and if it’s mostly bodyweight, it’s a circuit style workout.
I do mean to go back and revamp some of the old workouts a bit, thanks for reminding me to put that on my to-do list in the near future, haha, and thanks for reading! Let me know if I can help you and your friend any more!
Can you tell me who falls under the saboteur class among the rogues?
Sure! Aya Brea: Aiden Pearce: and Nathan Drake:
Thanks dude! Quick question though, where was Aya hiding at?
Hmm…Good question. >_> Fixing!
I wanted to ask a question, what exactly makes a character qualify under one of the three archetypes? For example, Tracer is a thin, limber character with time manipulation at her disposal to flank enemies, yet you have her listed under “Rogues” instead of “Fighters”
Then Connor Kenway is a pretty built dude with explosive power and strength, yet no sacrifice in agility; but you have him listed under “Fighters” – doesn’t he qualify as a “Rogue” because he’s in between a “Tank” and “Fighter”?
I always assumed that the more agile and limber characters were all of the fighting type; and that the bigger and stronger characters were all under “Tanks”. Naturally, that led me to believe that anyone labeled as a rogue would be someone with agility, but still have enough strength or just raw explosive energy to be close to a tank character.
Can you clear up why some characters are counted as something different than what someone would naturally assume?
Rogue = slender, lithe characters. Typically in fantasy RPG type settings a rogue is an assassin or a ranger, or someone who is opportunistic in combat. For the sake of physical fitness, you’re talking a light, fast build.
Fighters are the “in between.” They’re heavy enough to be “in combat” rather than just sniping from the edges like a rogue, but they don’t have quite the size or power of a tank.
Tanks are big, heavy, and strong, and don’t care as much about being agile.
So basically what you classify as a “rogue” I classify as a “fighter,” and vice-versa. The classes are based somewhat loosely on Dungeons and Dragons archetypes, with some MMORPG/Action RPG standards thrown in there.
Hi! I was wondering if you could suggest a build for me, as I’m kind of lost when it comes to deciding which character would fit my abilities best. I’m a 5’5, 100 pound, 16 year old girl. I would say despite being very unfit (that’s why I’m here lol) I’m fairly agile and I’m not a terrible fighter. I’m in love with the Assassin’s Creed series, Ratonhnhake:ton is my favorite character. However I feel like his build and abilities wouldn’t fit me at all.
It seems as if the Rogue build would fit me best but I’m debating between the Ezio, Faith Connors (I also love Mirror’s Edge), and Lara Croft workouts. I’m leaning towards either Faith or Ezio, just because they seem to compliment my strengths best. I also love the characters. I’d really appreciate it if you could tell me what you think! I’m very, very unfit so with whatever I pick I’ll have to start really small.
Thanks so much!!
First off: Fantastic taking that first step to getting in shape. It can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start (which is why this blog is here!)
Personally, I’d recommend Faith. Very little equipment required, relatively straightforward routine! Starting small is GOOD! It’s better to do a little of something every day than it is to do a HUGE workout once every two weeks. =P
If you’ve got any more questions, or want a more detailed writeup, hit me up at Thanks for reading, and for commenting!
Wow thanks for the fast reply, I’ll get started on the Faith workout as soon as I can. I don’t want to make you make a detailed writeup for me, that’s too much work for you!! But I really appreciate the offer
Also, will this help me bulk up a little bit? I’m basically a walking stick right now so I need to gain about 10 pounds.
Yes, provided you eat enough food! You want to eat at 1-200 calories above your TDEE every day if you want to put on a little muscle. Check out Macros and You:
Hey Dan! I noticed that a lot of military had posted questions, a majority of which are either Corpsman or Medics! My uncle is a Corpsman and I look up to him a lot, so I was wondering how to emulate him. He’s lean, but has a certain spark of crazy shining in his eyes which has me thinking he’s a saboteur, but I’m not sure since he’s also a SARC. Any suggestions or tips?
Aerobic exercises such as the Shepard workout or Solid Snake workout is what most of us Corpsmen follow, later on some add or make up a new workout to follow. SARC’s are the guys who run with special operations (Recon, SEALS, Dive teams, EOD) so a little crazy is to be expected. Sorry for butting in Dan.
Totally fine, you clearly have more experience in the matter than I do! =D I’d definitely agree, going with Shepard or Snake would probably be best, Baby Doc!
See my reply to “Doc of Devil’s” reply to you. =P
Hey Dan! I’m wanting to emulate the Soldiers/Halberdiers from the Fire Emblem series, but I’m not exactly sure how to start with it. Do you have any tips or suggestions to help? Thanks alot dude.
I just found Kilik, and the explanation on polearm weapons, so I’ll follow that for now. Still willing to take any help though!
Any tips on who to follow for a Sherlock Holmes-esk build? I’ve got fighting style (Bartitsu) and thought process (Lateral as hell) but I’m kinda stuck workout wise.
I’d recommend Edward Kenway. =D Minimal equipment, good physique, solid utilitarian strength.
How about m.bison from alpha 3?
Mmmmaaaaaybe. Why alpha 3, specifically?
That is when he was at the height of his power ( I think)
Ah, gotcha! I’ll add him to the list! =D
Any idea on how to bring Zenyatta from Overwatch into human form?
Oof, that’s rough. Outside of copying his mindset (I’d recommend studying Buddhism) it would be extremely difficult. Which is a shame, because I love playing Zenyatta! I’ll think about it and let you know if I come up with anything in the future.
Thank you! I’ll look around some more myself to see what I find.
Any tips to build the Reinhardt body?
Dude, Reinhardt is freaking massive. I just posted the Zarya workout, I’d start with that!
Got ya!
Honestly, lift heavy, eat big and rest well. If you are reinhardts size (7’4″) its highly unlikely to put on as much mass without gear
So are workout gender specific, and only meant to build those specific body types? I ask because I am a guy but I like how the tracer workout is laid out, but even though I’d like to slim and tone abit I’m not looking to get a femine frame.
Don’t sweat it, you’re not going to get a feminine frame from any workout. The only specificity about the workouts is that women will probably progress a little slower at the upper levels. Beyond that, all the workouts are unisex (even if the characters are not.) The tracer workout will definitely get you in excellent, lean-muscle shape!
Wonderful, thank you putting my mind at ease and for such a fast reply.
You’re welcome, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! =D
Would Strider Hiryu be welcomed on the list?
Sure, if I can find time for him! In the meantime, Ryu Hayabusa would definitely be a good starting place if you’re looking to live that superninja life!
Hello! A buddy of mine is emulating Vash “The Stampede” from Trigun, but he’s having trouble exercise wise. Any suggestions to help him get on course?
Like, he needs a program to do, or he’s lacking motivation to do that program?
He just needs one to be honest. He’s tackled the mentality pretty well and goes to the gun range every now and then to work on his shot with scary intensity.
Well in that case, I think for Vash I’d recommend The Arrow Workout: Lots of similarities. The arrow and Vash are both lean, but muscular. They’re both tailored for combat. They’re both quite agile and able to adapt to and move through their environment. Definitely my recommendation for at least a starting routine.
Got it! He’s printed out the workout and has started reading the mind of arrow. Thanks again Dan!
Hey dan, i would like to suggest either winston or roadhog from overwatch. I know you already have a lot of stuff planned for the blog, and have already done a few overwatch characters, but i would appreciate if you would consider either of these for the future
Could you do a workout based on Guts from Berserk or another character from that series?
Would Asura from Asura’s Wrath be a possible candidate?
Would it be possible to see the spy from team fortress 2 be shown on this website?
Hey dan, i know you already have a lot planned for the future characters for the blog. But i would like to suggest the power rangers. I think it would be cool because it could be a multicharacter blog post, similar to the TMNT posts awhile back
Haha, that’d be cool! I loved the power rangers growing up (green ranger 4 life :-P) so I’m not against it! Maybe when we get closer to the movie release…
Hey Dan, amazing site!
I’ve been following for a couple of months and i was wondering if you were gonna try Agent 47 from Hitman. Anw keep up the gd work
Hey dan, i would like to suggest the spy from team fortress 2. The reason being is that for the rogues class, topics like invisibility and disguise havent been dicussed much, so i thougjt it might be interesting
Any plans for a Wolverine workout? Or would that be too similar to Deadpool?
Someday! Would probably end up being relatively similar to Deadpool, yeah, which is why I’m not jumping on it right away.
You should do Noctis from Final Fantasy 15.
Ooh, solid suggestion!
Have you ever thought of doing Black Panther? He’s a great character, has a great physique and plenty of skills and abilities. Plus, with the movie coming out soon, it’ll be popular.
His physique would be well rounded in the components of physical fitness and he’s an incredibly smart character (I think he’s a polymath).
Not a bad idea =D
PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEASE ADD NIGHTWING TO THIS PAGE!!! I love him so much and he is a beast! Also, he’s a DLC in Arkham City, so he’s still a VG character. DO HIM NOW!
Hahaha, he’s a favorite of mine, too, I’ll probably get to him soon. =)
Awesome, also make sure you do something on his style or swagger cuz he is AWESOME at getting the ladies lol
Try Silver the Hedgehog, dis psychokinetic niggy who screams “IT’S NO USE!” as he throws chairs on you.
I’d absolutely LOVE to see a workout/skill set for jacket from hotline Miami his adaptability and situational awareness is something i think everyone would want not tp mention his streagth and stamina
Ooh, nice suggestion, and one I haven’t gotten before!
Would you ever consider doing jotaro kujo from jojos bizzare adventure? I know its originally a manga series but it has video games
Is it possible that you can plan on doing a hulk workout?
Is it possible that you can plan on doing a hulk workout regimen?
Possibly. The issue with the Hulk (and Superman, and others of that ilk) are so impossibly god-tier that approaching anything near their level of strength (or in Hulk’s case, size) is pretty damn unrealistic.
How about Ash, Bandit or Jaeger from Rainbow Six Siege? Agile with a bit of strength.
Solid suggestions!
What about someone like Monkey from Enslaved? He seems like a Rogue-ish Fighter.
You could do Gregor Eisenhorn or some other Warhammer 40,000 character. I don’t know about Space Marines since they’re so far superhuman, but an Inquisitor or Commissar of some sort would be really cool.
Oh gosh yes, I have been wanting a Space marine workout for ever!
I am still waiting for either Jin Kazama or Kazuya Mishima
Hey Dan, what about a Daredevil workout? I think that that would be pretty interesting.
Any other female workouts coming? My GF was asking cause she is interested but nothing is really grabbing her. I suggest characters like, Raven, Starfire, Black Canary, Huntress, (can you tell i am a DC guy?) Black Widow, Black Cat, Storm? All of whom would be cool ideas (at least I think).
We did just cover a female superhero with Wonder Woman, but I think another in the future is definitely an option! Next female character I was thinking about doing was Alloy, from Horizon Zero Dawn. Do you think that would interest her?
I’m so excited for NIGHTWING! I hope he’s next! Also, make sure to make it BODYWEIGHT (maybe also weighted), because he does Gymnastics and Parkour and it would make no sense if he was doing weighted work. Gymnasts just don’t do that. I mean, gymnasts are ripped, Nightwing is ripped, so show US how to get ripped like Nightwing with BOOOOOOOODYWEIIIIIGHT. (DON’T GIVE IN TO THE DARK SIDEEEE)
lol thanks for the workouts, Sensei Dan
Also, I just wanted to say thank you. I gained around 5 pounds in a little more than a month of training over Summer with a mix between a couple of your workouts (kinda like a bodyweight+sandbag Deadpool). And I got RIPPED. My Body Fat% is around 12%, and your Ryan Reynold cutting advice helped a lot with that. I’m in my teens and right now I’m planning on getting to Connor Kenway level. Right now I’m at Ezio (maybe like a few hundred more in DBZ Power Level). Also, you should do a Power Level calculator for Goku, if you plan to do a grab bag. T’would be lit, sire.
P.S. Calisthenics=Power=Saitama Power. Calisthenics+Sandbags=Saitama/Akuma “love-child” POWER
That is awesome to hear! I’m really glad you’ve made such awesome progress, it sounds like you’re doing a great job! I’ll keep the power level calculator idea in mind, haha. (who do you think would win in a three way fight between Saitama, Goku, and Akuma?)
Saitama for sure, thanks for replying!
haha, I tend to agree. XD
hahaha, I’m glad you’re stoked for Nightwing! He will not be the next character, however he WILL be the next character after that! Next character is female, and from a current-gen game.
Nightwing’s workout is going to be primarily bodyweight, yes, and there will be a fair amount of ring work involved!
What would a healer body type be like? Or what category would they even fit in?
Has B.J. Blazkowicz been suggested? Giant dude that knows how to stealth seems pretty awesome!
You’re the first to suggest him, but I’d say he’s a solid candidate…
daratmastah, please make a workout for bj
Any suggestions for someone who has an endomorphic body type? I got the diet right so far, but having trouble Workout wise…
Hey Ed! Sorry for the bit of delay in replying, but thanks for your comment! What are your challenges, workout-wise?
No rush man, appreciate you replying all the same ?. I’m pretty new understanding how workouts work, mainly cause when training for football our coach wrote out what he wanted us to do. I’ve read up on the classes you have listed and know that Rogue and Fighter aren’t very good fits. Power/strength, size and (if possible) speed are my main goals, I just don’t know what, who or where to start looking. Sorry for replying so late, got off of work bout 30 min ago. Thanks again partner ?
I just realized I messed up my dang name, my bad!
Dying light is kyle crane workout
Not sure if this is a question or a statement?
Um I know you’re busy. If you have time maybe one day Saber from Fate/Stay Night? She’s a character I have always admired. In fact she’s probably the main reason I want to exercise and become stronger, instead of just cutting calories.
Ooh, that’s a good suggestion. I’m always looking for new female characters to profile so there’s a good chance of her getting in the mix soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to be the Lawbringer from For Honor? (DEUS VULT!)
Good question! I’d definitely recommend the Ike workout, to best simulate and build the Lawbringer physique. =D
The 5-8 version?
If you’re starting from a slimmer build, yes… Actually, I’d recommend 8 weeks on 3-5, and then 8 weeks on 5-8. Repeat ad infinum.
Hello, can you tell me what character would be good for these qualities? My brother and I are going on a trip in 7 months in the wild and want to be physically ready for anything.
Speed and Endurance – Run and ruck farther and faster.
Strength and Power – Lift equipment, gear, and people too.
Flexibility and Mobility – Move easily over uneven terrain and in between obstacles.
Muscle Stamina – Move yourself and gear up, over, under, and through space.
Old Man Grip – Hold gear, climb rope / mountain, grab things and people without tiring.
Skills – Swim to save a life, to cross a river, and to be effective on 75% of this planet. Krillin workout, all the way. Rucking with a backpack is one of his prescribed cardio workouts, he’s got plenty of grip training for building strong hands, and his strength routine is bodyweight circuits with an emphasis on agility, endurance, and strength. Definitely my recommendation for you. Also I’m jealous, that trip sounds like tons of fun. =D
Thanks Dan! Been planning the trip for awhile and can’t wait for it! It’s gonna be a two weeks out in the wilderness with only our gear and emergency phones, along with some rock climbing to our site. I’m so freaking hyped!
That sounds just plain awesome. Have fun!! =D
I just finished playing the End of Zoe DLC for Resident Evil 7, and can’t help but suggest Joe Baker as a character to cover.
I haven’t seen or played the DLC yet, but I’ve heard Joe is a total badass.
Do you have a suggestion on who would be best to emulate a Scoundrel from SWTOR? Seeing the Kyle Katarn and Galen posts made me want to bring my lovable Rogue out ?
You should do a prison-style workout! Like a mass-building bodyweight workout for all the peeps without equipment.
Unfortunately it’s veeeerrrrry difficult to build significant mass without equipment, especially in the lower body. There’s only so far you can get without weights. A minimalist-equipment prison-style workout could still be something interesting to do, though! It just wouldn’t be all that great at building significant mass past a certain point.
Please. Marvel’s daredevil workout, I am deaf and hard-of-hearing, I was novice and beginner, my favorite calisthenics and few parkour, weightlifting. I like a pc game.
Hey Timothy! Thanks for stopping by! Daredevil is an AWESOME character, so I will probably be getting to him at some point! UNTIL I DO, I think that the Nightwing workout would be a great fit for Daredevil’s body type (and your workout preferences.)
Oh, ok we know that I feel like a nightwing workout like also daredevil for me. But I have no ring in my house in room, I have already pull-up doorway bar in room . I’m a 158 lbs weight will be if after that I think i like daredevil is a 200 lbs weight. I don’t get nightwing is a 175 lbs weight.
did you know read daredevil form….
if you want to exercise for “Ring handstand push-ups” add Nightwing workout
Hello my name is Victoria. I want to get in shape but my character isn’t specific and I don’t know where to start. See I am a big Final Fantasy fan. I went to wiki how and was bummed someone took off the posts how to get the body of a Final Fantasy girl they had a excersize one and a diet one. The only thing I remember in the dietary part was drink lots of water…. I want to achieve the beautiful thin and soft builds of Tifa, Lightning, Terra and Kairi etc. I want to become a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts Girl
Can you guys create this? I need help!
Hi Victoria! I can definitely help you out with that. It looks like you may have just purchased RPG Fitness, as well? If not, some other Victoria just did… In any case, email me at and we can discuss your goals in detail, and any questions/concerns you might have.
I love that you have a Goku workout on this list. If you watch Dragonball Super you should do an Android 17 workout. The dude is like the MVP of the show right now and I think it would be awesome to do a workout modeled after him.
Hey Dan,
I was wondering if the Agent 47 workout is good for me to bulk up to get his type of physique. In the game you see he does have a decent amount of muscle, but can I still do that with the workout being a circuit? Red Delta Project on youtube said you can still build muscle, I just need the Sensei’s approval XD
You CAN definitely still build muscle with a circuit program! It just comes down to diet, for the most part. Circuit programs burn more calories usually, so if you want to build mass, you need to overcome that caloric deficit. As in almost all questions on bulking, it just comes down to eating more. If you’re not gaining weight (weigh yourself at least twice a week and average it out,) then you need to eat more. Period. Especially protein (0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight should be plenty.)
Sensei approves!
Space Marine from Warhammer 40k maybe?
Is the Ryu Hayabusa workout a circuit or a station workout?
Hello, this is an odd question, but who would be considered a Rogue/ Tank? Sneaky, but can take and give just as much.
That’s kind of hard to exemplify because Tanks normally sacrifice speed and stealth to have maximal strength and power. If you’ve played any RPGs or have seen any action movies, the Tank-like guy is usually noticeably slower and more sheer power when it comes to comes to combat. However, someone like Venom from spider-man might fit that description. He kind of hides in the shadows and then brutally murders criminals.
Oh wait I meant the street fighter Ryu workout. Is that one station or circuit?
It’s a station workout =) Too many exercises to try to do it in a circuit!
Thanks a lot, I’ve been wondering for a while. Now to reach the Street Fighter level!
You should cover Frank Castle the Punisher. It’s the ideal body that I’ve been trying to get (mainly the Jon Bernthal/Thomas Jane iterations as inspiration) he’s got a great idealogy and drive. His willpower has determined him to go above and beyond normal limits. Definitely a workout I’d love.
Good afternoon. I work in a cubicle all day and don’t move as much as I like, and watching my body waste away is starting to get to me. What workout is intense enough to help make up for me sitting behind a desk all day?
Well it’s less about intensity, and more about regularity! All of the workout programs I have listed here on the site are scheduled to have 5-6 sessions per week (almost every day,) which should be enough to make up for all that down time. However, it’s also good to stretch your legs regularly at work! Try to get in a 3-5 minute walking break every hour if you can (I know some employers are more cranky about this sort of thing than others.) Trip to the water cooler, bathroom, etc.
All right, thanks for the help. I appreciate it.
Any suggestions on what workout for the Medic from TF2? I’m looking at Isaac Clarke, but it doesn’t seem to fit. Then again it could be the general insanity that doesn’t match
Hello! I’ve been reading your articles since a year, you’re really doing a great job at capturing the essence of the characters!!!
I would like to suggest to you a workout routine based on Travis Touchdown, the main character of No More Heroes. A great game serie were you lvl up your stats by working out. And the hero use a wide variety of skills and go through a lot of developement witch is great for making analysis.
Hope you will find my idea interesting, take care and keep up the good work.
Best regards from France!
Hey Alexis, thanks for you comment! Travis would definitely be a good addition to the roster, I’ll add him to the list. Thanks for the suggestion, and for following the blog for so long!!
This is a bit out there, but has anyone suggested a Warframe? I’m inclined towards Atlas, but any of them would be cool to see.
You are actually the first to suggest a Warframe! Not too out there, though, I like the idea!
Could you do envoy training from altered carbon? It’s more emotional and intelligence training but also endurance I think
Maybe? Not familiar with Altered Carbon at all so I think I’d have to check it out, first.
DUUUUUDE that’d be awesome! Or as the new generation is saying: “Lit as heck BOI”
I just finished replaying “The Wolf Among Us” and was wondering if anyone has suggested Bigby Wolf as a character to cover?
I’m a huge fan of the Resident Evil series. I’ve always taken to Both Jill and Ada. I love the Jill Valentine one, but I also thing Ada Wong would be a good addition to the arsenal. I combine multiple workouts but I think that Ada would actually be a perfect combination for the ones I am meshing together anyway.
New character ideas list: Deathstroke, Crash Bandicoot, Samuel Drake, King (Tekken), Bruce Lee/Martial Law (Tekken), Steve (Minecraft), Green Lantern, Captain America, Gran Turismo Driver, Alex (the Crew), and best for last………… Both portagonists from INFAMOUS and
INFAMOUS: SECOND SON (Cole McGrath, Delsin Rowe)
PLEASE do Delsin Rowe. He’s got heckin’ superpowers and you could make a quiz or something to find your conduit power.
Character suggestion: Nomad from Ghost Recon Wildlands. Maybe go from the female Nomad angle even. Use a similar workout plan to the Commander Shepard workout. Go with some marksmanship, recon, infiltration, counter-terrorism, intelligence, and leadership skills. Then follow it up with a team-oriented, confident-yet-cautious, determined-to-the-point-of-dragging-your-guts-fifty-miles-across-the-desert special-ops-type mindset.
Also Saber from the Fate series. Maybe for the workouts use a knight-style workout regime with lots of armor (weight vest) running as well as bodyweight exercise. For skills, look at leadership and its various styles as well as swordsmanship and martial arts. And for mind, look at the perspective of a warrior king of the wrong gender, doomed to look hopelessly at endless war while being forced to make endless tough decisions while never apologizing to herself or anyone else.
To clarify, I do not believe male kings to be better than female kings. I only said the wrong gender to mean that Saber was expected to act the part of a man before her court and people, and that her father sent her away as he believed her not to be fit to be king on account of her sex.
I think a prison style workout would be cool. Like a kind of workout made up of calisthenics but for mass gain specifically.
I think Gearless Joe from Megalo Box would be a solid addition to the list if possible!
I will definitely take it under advisement!
Hey could you do a work out for Kyle Crane from Dying Light.
I would absolutely LOVE to see either Jacob or Evie Frye from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate !!
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Can you guys do Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto (of course!)? I guess it would make most sense if you guys made the workout for his form in late Naruto Shippuden.
Maybe! We’ve got a serious wait list going on, but I’m sure we’ll get to him at some point!
I know youve been doing a lot of anime characters, but id like to recommend Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. I think he might be a fun character to cover
I love Spike! Definitely interested in getting there at some point…
Will the Arkham Knight ever grace the list perhaps?
Loving what you’re doing here, and while I am on my way to getting fit again, I will definitly give your System a try.
One game I Havent seen featured yet, but would love to, is Diablo- specifically, a D3 Monk, Barbarian or Crusader workout.
Maybe something for your ever – growing list (how long is that, anyway? 100, 200 chars?)
Best regards from Germany!
Gosh, I don’t know how freaking long the list is at this point, hahaha. Until I get to one of the diablo classes, here’s a couple recommendations:
Hope that helps! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Dan, i love your work and i was wondering if you could include in the list Raiden from Metal Gear Solid series, he is a pretty good character too and very iconic, i don´t know exactly what kind of workout he did, but i know its related to the ninjas,(because his acrobatic movements and highly skilled stealth).
Keep up that good work!.
I will add him to the list!
Can you do john wick?
Hey I love the list but I’ve been thinking, would you ever add Shay Cormac from Assassin’s Creed rogue to the list?
How about Leon from the resident evil series?
He’s coming! Eventually…
Why don’t you make a teen Gohan workout and mix it with the nightwing workout so you can get a bit of pure sayain strength
Could just throw together the powerlifts from the Goku workout with the Nightwing stuff to make that happen for now. =)
Hi! Could you throw a build for Prince of Persia guy from Warrior Within? Would go for Ezio Auditore but he seems more rogue like unlike Prince who is kinda warrior type with dual swords and acrobatics.
He’s definitely on the list! I’d say stick with Ezio for now, but the Prince is coming!
Can you make a workout based on Broly (Dragon Ball Super)?
I’ll prolly get to Broly at some point, yeah! =D
Hey! I love this website you have! Its given me motivation to workout more. I’m currently doing the Solid Snake workout, but i’ve been thinking who i would REALLY like to look like for a cosplay. My final decision was Jacket from Hotline Miami. would you consider creating a workout for him? Or in the meantime point me to a similar character?
Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment! I’ll definitely consider covering Jacket at some point in the future. In the meantime, I think I’d recommend Aiden Pearce as a good starting point for Jacket. Check out his workout here:
Hey there! I’ve been enjoying the great builds (and especially Sheik and Bowsette) for the past few years and I was wondering if you could try to build any Warframes for guys and gals like myself? I could understand if not but I’d love to be able to level up to that. Thanks for making such an awesome idea of a website and such!
I see someone has already suggested a Warframe (Atlas is a good frame to suggest imho) my apologies for not reading beforehand
No worries about the double suggestion, it happens all the time! Definitely interested in doing a Warframe workout sometime, don’t you worry. =D Thanks for stopping by!
Hello there! I love your work ! The time and the love you put in all of it is palpaple. One request: Could you update Sekiro a bit and write something about his skill set and his mind. Workout is great though!
Keep up the good work!
Hi mate, I am currently killing it with the Chris Redfield workout. I was wondering though, if you could make a B.J Blazkowicz workout program, that would be very nice
Hey there!
I know it’s probably a not very popular suggestion but i think it would be really cool and interesting to see a workout based off of Alibaba Saluja from Magi: the Kingdom and Labyrinth of Magic and Sinbad from the previous two and from The Legend of Sinbad.
daratmastah, please do a BJ blazcowicz workout
So I am looking into doing the Fighter Diet. I noticed it said 1 Multivitamin, can I use a 1 A DAY for men or do I need to go to like GNC to get their packs of multivitamins?
What about Mr. Game and watch?
Could you please do the character of Anakin? He’s been my goal for years, but I haven’t found any Anakin workouts anywhere. Plus, the whole character breakdown thing you do is awesome, so I’d love to see that for him, too.
Can you do one on Yun from street fighter?