Power Suit Quick Navigation Links: Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Physical Augmentation Part 3: Systems Control Part 4: Sensory Augmentation Part 5: Weapons and Armor Finally, the cool stuff! Sorry it took so long to get here, guys, but without the proper framework to strap our armor and weapons on, we’re just your average […]
Power Suit Quick Navigation Links: Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Physical Augmentation Part 3: Systems Control Part 4: Sensory Augmentation Part 5: Weapons and Armor Sorry for the delay, guys, City of Heroes closing bummed me out a lot more than I thought it would, I was in a funk about it for most […]
Power Suit Quick Navigation Links: Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Physical Augmentation Part 3: Systems Control Part 4: Sensory Augmentation Part 5: Weapons and Armor Hey guys, sorry for the lack of post yesterday. Doing battle with a cold, got halfway through writing this sucker and took a nap, haha. Anyway, here it is! […]