The Doomfist Workout

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Doomfist is big and strong, yes, but he’s also extremely athletic.  He’s not slow moving, plodding hulk, he’s a living guided missile.  So, while building size and strength is a priority, the ability to move is just as important.  Keep in mind, well before he became the leader of Talon, Akande was a professional fighter.  We want heavyweight class muscle, but also martial arts master agility.

General Nutrition Info:

Lose Weight, Burn Fat:

Build Muscle, Bulk Up:

Before and After Workout Programs:

Note: This workout, like most, is split up into four levels to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.

Equipment Needed:

Pull Up Bar

Power Rack


Barbell and Weights


Heavy Bag


Style: Station –  Perform all sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise.  Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Strength Workout A:

5×5 Back Squats
5×5 Barbell Weighted Lunges
1×5 Deadlifts
3×10 Box Jumps
3×10 Speed Skaters
3×10 Hanging Leg Raises

Strength Workout B:

5×5 Bench Press
5×5 Pull Ups
5×5 Incline Dumbbell Presses
3×10 One-Armed Dumbbell Rows
3×10 Dumbbell Overhead Presses
3×10 Standing Barbell Twists

Strength Notes:

The walking lunge, the incline press, and the barbell trunk twist are the three best exercises to develop punching power.  These exercises alone, however, do not a balanced physique make.  So, we’ve added in some others to create a more well-rounded workout.  Squats and deadlifts for overall strength, some plyometric leg work for explosiveness (METEOR STRIKE!) and some other accessory work just to round out the physique and strength core.


30-45 minute Walk/Run

Followed by Intervals:
1:00-5:00 Heavy Bag Work
Rest 20 seconds
1:00-5:00 Jump Rope
Rest 20 seconds
Repeat 3-5 times

Cardio Notes:

I’ve been favoring simple cardio programs lately because, to be honest, cardio doesn’t have to be super complicated.  A simple routine like this will check all the boxes (aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, sport-specific training,) while also helping to build you the body of a professional martial artist.  If you want to add some flavor on other day, sub in sledgehammer slams or heavy kettlebell swings for either of the interval sessions.

On the interval timings, start with short intervals for three circuits.  Slowly increase the interval time, and once you’re going for five minutes rounds with each, THEN you increase the number of circuits.


Day 1: Strength A
Day 2: Strength B
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength A
Day 6: Strength B
Day 7: Rest

Schedule Notes:

Simple enough schedule.  You can follow this seven-day program if you want, or if you’re craving more cardio, then just run a four day repeating cycle for days 1-4.  Again, no need to get unreasonably complex!  Rest when you need to, push the weights up when you’re ready, and listen to your body most of all!

That’s it for The Doomfist Workout!  Feel free to leave any questions or feedback in the comments section below.  I’ll see you again on Monday!  Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

The Best Dan Wallace

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