579 blog posts.
440,000 words
398 videos.
8 years.
It’s been a long road, folks. But I feel the road is coming to an end. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the blog posts becoming more and more infrequent, video posts being basically nonexistent…the fact is, I’m kind of done. Not burned out, or fried, just…done. I think I’ve said and written all I have to say on the subject of becoming real life video game characters.
Obviously I was never going to cover every video game character in existence, but at this point I’ve written up so many different workouts for so many different characters that I don’t think I could write another one without repeating something I’ve already done. If you have a character you want to see still, comment on this post and I will point you towards which character workout I’ve already written that you should do for that character. I just don’t want to stretch this out by forcing myself to write redundant workouts that I don’t have any passion for anymore.
Which brings me to my next point: My passion for writing new character posts may be gone, but my passion for helping people, and the website itself, and our wonderful community are all here to stay. The website isn’t going anywhere, ever. Our fitness group on Facebook is still going strong and growing (and I will be continuing to grow it, don’t worry.) I’ll still be answer comments and questions here on the blog, and I’m more than happy to come up with customized paid plans for people who want to go that extra mile. The three most recent eBooks will be on sale in perpetuity to help with the hosting costs for the site. I’m just…not producing any more content for this site anymore, or for the YouTube channel.
It’s been an amazing ride, but I’m really looking forward to the next big journey in my life. Speaking of which, if you’re ever in New Jersey, definitely stop by Hero Academy Fitness and jump in on a workout with us! I’m going to be focusing on growing my itty bitty superhero gym into a big, strong superhero gym in the coming years, and I’d love for you all to be part of that process, just like every single one of you are a part of Be a Game Character.
Thank you so much for the support you’ve all given me and my family over this past eight years. I love you all.
Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome.
Dan Wallace

Not a goodbye… But a ” We’re on touch”
Best of luck! I have really enjoyed your content.
Thanks! I’m glad you did!
thank you for all your workouts mate, its been a fun ride!
Dear Dan,
I think I am speaking for all of us here when i tell you that you sir have been an inspiration for us. Sorry, let me rephrase. You are an inspiration to us. In the short time (about a year) since day number 1 when i stumbled on your page by coincidence i was taken aback by the sheer amazingness of it all. Your workouts, the skill sets and the psychological taking of almost each character was a deeply personal journey for me because i found myself in some of them (cough cough Joel cough cough).
I am not good with words even in written form so let me just tell you one more time THANK YOU DAN. If I ever find myself in New Jersey i will sure look your gym up!
Until then continue to kick ass!
Your fan,
It´s been a good journey, my best lucks for you in everything you propose to do and life in general, thanks for everything!.
Tis a sad day to hear such news. But I support your decision and ideas for the future fully. And feel free to call on me if you decide to do any more with the site or any other ventures. I’m always at the ready to help a brother in arms. I wish you all the best. Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome boss??
mate, i have a question
many people wanna see a workout program for BJ blazcowicz, is there a way for you to do one? many would appreciate it
i would appreciate it!
mate, can you please acknowledge?
Dear Dan,
I’ve been reading your blogposts for a very long time and i’ve loved every single one of them.
It’ll be hard to see you go :/.
To be honest, most of the gains I’ve gotten, I can only thank _you_ for. If it wasn’t for you, I would still be an overweight cunt with a sky high BMI.
In regards to the character thing, I was wondering if you could point me to a character that could get me a physique like Raiden from the Metal Gear Revengeance?
Again, thank you for everything, and best of luck to you.
Awww, that’s too bad Dan.
I hope your gym turns into an amazing one!
Honestly thank you, so much. You got me into working out after your Sam Fisher workout years back, it’s been going great ever since and quite a bit of it is thanks to you.
I wish you the best man.
I was wondering about a workout similar to the troubleshooter from DFO
Supposed to be this badass demolition mercenary/ secret agent. Any idea on what workout I’d need to use from the ones already there?
Thanks for all the workouts you’ve made. I’ve analyzed them, multiple times over, and will continue too in the future. As a newly certified trainer, I thank you for the inspiration you’ve given me. Best of luck.
Could you do a sith workout or anakin skywalker? Is that fighter or monk?
Try the Galen Marek workout. He’s a Sith-turned-Jedi from the Force Unleashed games
mate, can you please point me to a existing workout for BJ blazkowicz?
Try the DOOM Slayer workout it’s pretty similar
Thank you for all the information, and a very interesting website. I’m wondering if there is an Albert Wesker workout (Resident Evil character), thank you
Thank you so much for making my teenage years amazing. You helped me achieve huge gains not only physically, but mentally and socially as well. I still follow your advice to this day, and I’m constantly reminded of the things you taught me. I know the site has been having issues staying up, and I know it’s not going to be around forever. However, the fact that I still have like 30 workouts and skill posts printed out in a binder shows how valuable your information was. I wish you the best and I thank you again, Sensei.
Yours truly,
Another thing I want to add is the fact that you taught me to love fitness. I know see it as a way of improving and growing myself (quite literally, lol). You taught me to embrace the pain and chase my goals. Because of this, I’m considering becoming a Navy SEAL, or something that would be equally challenging. I can finally say that I’ve reached LEVEL 4 on several workouts on here, and I can consider myself my own Game Character. I went from being a skinny 132lbs weakling to a bulky near-170lbs BEAST. I think that I’ve achieved my goal of becoming a fighter class, but I know I still have more that I can improve. Thank you for being such an inspiration, and you will always be the one true Sensei.
Greetings, I know it may be too late for you to read this comment but I was wondering what owl training (sekiro) would be like, it is a pity that you are gone …
Just found you about a month ago. Been doing the Cloud Strife workout and I enjoy it. Sad that I caught you nearly a year too late, but I’m glad you chose to keep the site up. These workouts are great and quite helpful for people like myself with a relatively sedentary lifestyle. Wish I would’ve found this site and you before you stopped but just know that you’ve helped me out and you’ve helped others out quite a bit as well. For that, I’m grateful. Hope life is treating you well and you’re still getting at it. And know that if you ever decide to jump back in and start posting workouts again, I sure won’t be complaining. Hope you’re having a good one, brother.
I’m in the same boat as ZigZag14!
I literally just found your AWESOME site afew minutes ago and I freakin’ LOVE IT!!!
And you have a Terry Bogard workout!!!!!!!
i know you will almost certainly not see this, but if you or any other fans of this sight know of a workout that would be similar to Evie Frye (the assassin from AC syndicate) i would be very thankful if you could point me in the right direction. thank you.
Anakin Skywalker workout? (Spec from TCW)