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Game(s): Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming
Archetype: Rogue
Class: Assassin
- Skilled fencer.
- Capable of stealing and wearing the faces of her enemies.
- Trained in the arts of assassination.
- Extremely agile.
- Fast enough to evade capture and pursue targets, even under extreme physical duress.
- Extremely resourceful.
First off, we’re going to try to be limited on spoilers for the final season of Game of Thrones here, but I’m going to assume you’re caught up to all the previous seasons.
Arya Stark is too much of a badass to be left out of the fun here at Be a Game Character, even if her actual game involvement has been minimal. Across many seasons of the HBO show as well as the books of the ASOIAF series, Arya’s established herself as a tenacious, resourceful, and incredibly versatile combatant and survivor. With her light build and penchant for agility and speed, she’s a clear candidate for the Rogue archetype. Her reliance on small blades, stealth, and disguise place her solidly in the Assassin class.
We’re going to stick to the themes of the era of the show and books for our workout inspiration, so primarily bodyweight exercises and calisthenics. Our priority is to be building agility, speed, and stamina. In open combat, Arya is an agile fencer, avoiding and slipping attacks rather than meeting them with force. In assassination and environmental movement she
Before we jump in, though, here’s our usual brace of supplementary articles:
General Nutrition Info:
Lose Weight, Burn Fat:
Build Muscle, Bulk Up:
Before and After Workout Programs:
Alright, let’s get to the workout!
Equipment Required:
Pull Up Bar
Gymnastics Rings
Style: Circuit – Perform one set of every exercise without resting between, then rest for prescribed amount of time. Repeat until all sets are completed.
Level 1 (Beginner):
5-10 Bodyweight Squats
5-10 Kneeling Push Ups
5-10 Chair-Assisted Pull Ups
5-10 Walking Lunges
5-10 Pike Push Ups
5-10 Inverted or Ring Rows
5-10 second Plank Holds
Rest 1 minute.
Level 2 (Intermediate):
5-10 Bodyweight Squats
5-10 Push Ups
5-10 Chair-Assisted Pull Ups
5-10 Reverse Lunges
5-10 Pull Up Negatives
5-10 Pike Push Ups
5-10 Inverted or Ring Rows
10-15 second Plank Holds
Rest 1 minute.
Level 3 (Advanced):
5-10 Chair-Assisted Pistol Squats
5-10 Decline Push Ups
5-10 Pull Ups
5-10 Jumping Lunges
5-10 Pike Push Ups (raise your feet higher)
5-10 Uneven Inverted or Ring Rows
5-10 Box or Tuck Jumps
5-10 second Handstand Holds
15-20 second Plank Holds
Rest 1 minute.
Level 4 (Dire Wolf):
5-10 Pistol Squats
5-10 Decline Uneven Push Ups
5-10 Archer Pull Ups
5-10 Jumping Lunges (just increase the difficulty on these by jumping higher)
5-10 Handstand Push Ups
5-10 One Inverted or Ring Rows
5-10 Box or Tuck Jumps
15-20 second Plank Holds
Rest 1 minute.
Strength Notes:
It’s a cardio workout! It’s a strength workout! It’s both! Circuits are going to build your strength, AND your endurance, AND your cardiovascular capabilities. We’re going with a full bodyweight setup here, with some plyometric stuff thrown in to increase jump height, explosive power, and speed. The big challenges to work towards here are the handstand push ups (work them and the handstand holds against a wall) and the pull ups. For the handstand push ups, just do progressively higher elevation on your pike push ups (put your feet up on a chair or stairs.) For the pull ups, keep greasing the groove with chair-assisted pull ups and pull up negatives. You’ll get there.
Equipment Needed:
30-60 minutes Cardio Exercise of Choice (hiking/walking, jogging, cycling, swimming)
4-8×20 second Cardio Sprints (same exercise, just as fast as you can. Rest 10-20 seconds between your sprints)
Cardio Notes:
Arya is kind of a human all-terrain vehicle. They might not have bicycles in Westeros, but if they did, I’m sure she’d excel at them. I see her as a triathlete with a penchant for murdering people that have harmed her family and friends. As such, I’d recommend a varied cardio schedule. Bike one day, run another day, swim another day (if you have access to a pool.) Start with some long, steady-state stuff to build your gas tank, and then add in the speed work at the end to pursue targets or evade capture!
Day 1: Strength
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Strength
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest
Day 1: Cardio
Day 2: Strength
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Rest
Schedule Notes:
This is a personal preference schedule, depending on which aspect of Arya you want to focus on. If you’d rather focus on battle mode Arya, go with the first option. If you’re more about globetrotting, all-terrain vehicle Arya, go with option number two (especially if you’re mixing up your cardio options between hiking, running, cycling, and swimming.)
That’s it for the Arya Stark workout! I’ll see you tonight at 7 on the Be a Game Character YouTube channel for our regular Tuesday night live hangout!
Live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!