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A moment of silence, please…
Today, we sound the death knell for RPG Fitness, the foundational textbook on which Be a Game Character’s progression system is based. As of January 1st, 2019, RPG Fitness will no longer be available in The Armory. This is the last month it will ever be available!
RPG Fitness is (soon to be) dead!
Long live RPG Fitness!
Basically, here’s what’s going on, starting January 1st. RPG Fitness, the all-in-one training manual is going away (along with The Iron Legion Expansion.) Instead, we’re going to be splitting out every single class (Assassin through Titan) into its own, dedicated, standalone training manual. All manuals will feature the RPG Fitness leveling system, character sheets, nutrition guidelines, potions and power-ups, and everything else we know and love from the original volume, but only ONE character story and class workout. Because they only feature one class, they’ll also be at a lower price point than the original RPG Fitness (which features nine classes in all.)
Basically, this will allow you to grab the manual for the specific class you’re looking to emulate, without having to buy extra workouts you may not ever use.
Sound good? Awesome! I’m stoked about it, too! I’m also probably going to take a look at and revamp some of the workouts and nutrition info, and maybe some other stuff, too (we’ll see, it’s always worth updating with better training techniques and modalities.)
So, if you’re interested in grabbing the ORIGINAL RPG Fitness, you need to act now before it’s gone forever! After December 31st, we’ll be in a new, more streamlined and focused world! I’m excited to get there with you. =)
I’ll see you again on Friday. Until then, as always, live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!