The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Workout

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All credit to Ancorgil on DeviantArt for the awesome turtles artwork!
Note: This workout, is split into four tiers in order to easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.

Strength Workouts

Level 1(beginner):

3×5-10 Kneeling Push Ups
3×5-10 Chair Assisted Pull Ups
3×5-10 Bodyweight Squats
3×5-10 Pike Push Ups
3×5-10 Second Front Planks

Level 2(intermediate):
5×5-10 Push Ups
5×5-10 Pull Ups
5×5-10 Bodyweight Squats
5×5-10 Pike Push Ups
5×5-10 Step Ups (step up on a chair, step back down, repeat on each side)
5×10-15 Second Front Planks
5×5 Sledgehammer Levers (each side) (choke up if necessary)

Level 3(advanced):
5×5-10 Push Ups w/weighted backpack (start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every week)
5×5-10 Pull Ups w/weighted backpack (start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every week)
5×5-10 Tuck Jumps
5×5-10 Handstand Pushups
5×5-10 Step Ups w/weighted backpack (start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every week)
5×15-20 Second Front Planks
5×5 Sledgehammer Levers (each side) (choke up if necessary)

Level 4(Ninja):
5×10-15 Push Ups w/weighted backpack (start at 5 lbs, add 5 lbs every week)
5×5-10 Muscle Ups
5×5-10 Tuck Jumps
5×5-10 Handstand Pushups w/weighted backpack
5×5-10 Jumping Step Ups (Instead of stepping up, instead “launch” yourself up off the chair with one leg, repeat on each side)
5×15-20 Second Front Planks w/weighted backpack
5×5 Sledgehammer Levers (each side) (ninja do not choke up!)

Strength Notes:

We’re building explosive leg strength and dominating upper body strength, with the addition of sledgehammer levers to build hand and wrist strength for wielding weapons!  You may notice some similarities between this and Ryu’s workout…imagine that…

Cardio Workouts

Cardio A:
20-30 Minutes Long Form Cardio (swimming, biking, running, elliptical)

Cardio B:
20-30 Minutes Punching Bag Work
5-15 minutes sledgehammer slams (swing your hammer onto a tire, make sure you alternate sides)

Cardio C:
Tabata Sprints
Sprint flat-out for twenty seconds.  Rest(walk) for ten.  Repeat at least eight times.

Cardio Notes:

Agility, explosive movement, and enough cardiovascular help to keep going, the whole fight long!  We’re looking to build an elite level brawler here, who can take punishment and just keep going!  The sledgehammer slams help lend some strength to our weapon styles, and encourage core engagement.

Day 1: Strength
Day 2: Cardio A
Day 3: Strength
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Strength
Day 6: Cardio B or C
Day 7: Rest

Schedule Notes:

We’re giving ourselves and extra rest day after day 6 instead of another strength day because cardio B and C both tend to be pretty intense.  That said, if you feel up to it after a few months of working out, feel free to throw in an extra strength day on day 7.  Conversely, when you’re first starting out, feel free to throw in an extra rest day on day 3 if you need to, at least for the first few weeks.

That’s it for the turtles!  Make sure to come back tomorrow for a great video on leadership skills!  Until then, remember to live boldly, change the world, and continue to be awesome!

Dan “DaRatmastah” Wallace

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